Friday, November 9, 2007

Funky Chick Goodness

I am heading out at 1pm tomorrow with ALL my family to Jersey to visit my sister. Very happy to get a change of scenery and actually, strangely, even looking forward to the 4 plus hour car ride with us five. Will download some This American Life’s and when the kids get in the car zone, either asleep or day-dreaming, me and That Man will listen to our hearts content, me with a giant ice coffee and everyone all strapped in and in one place and zooming down the road.

Before I go, it occurred to me that there have been too many male voices in my music showcases, so here's Joan, reminding us to show some emotion. And shake that thang at the same time.


cate in MHD said...

Love Joan Armatrading...even if I can't spell her name or watch the video anymore. Hope the car ride was a good one. I love reading this blog! Although I feel like a totally nosy neighbor, that's me, Mrs. Kravitz from Bewitched!