Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Listen, I'm all Barack Me Like a Hurricane, but you'ld be an ass to not realize that what Geraldine said was the straight on truth. In fact, you'ld be an insecure, way too PC, slightly obsessed, dare I say, douche, if you felt the opposite. C'mon!

He's black. That matters. Deal with it. Get over your own guilt and deal with it.

Would a woman with his resume get this far, even if she could talk like him? Um, let me think.. NO!

Could a white man? Probably, maybe; but not as easily.

If you are big enough to know that his skin color doesn't matter, then you are smart enough to know that it does.


Anonymous said...

Leftist identity politics coming home to roost. It's fun to watch them wrestle with their conscience.