Saturday, September 4, 2010

WHA? You call that a storm? Plus the root of a rant

Earl: you are such a tease.

I got nostalgic and mildly storm-chasing lunatic-ish here.

I got very nostalgic and mildly weepy here.

I remain perfectly, typically loudmouth here. Which is here.

As in: what is the percentage of parents, whose kids participate in Labor Day multi-state soccer tournaments, who believe their children are World Cup bound?

Take into account that THIS parent? Um....Yeah.
Wow. I had no idea.

I think I just found some serious blog fodder. Honestly, this kind of soccer is like Lohan for writer's block.


3commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Cheryl said...

I got major sotrm-chasing lunatic-ish right with you. Damn fine piece of writing. So was the nostalgic mildly weepy piece. Here. Right here. Wha? You run out of steam mid-rant? Hello? Was really looking forward to a major leaguer. Sigh.

Anonymous said...


I bought right into the hype, too. With fond memories of Hurricanes Gloria and Bob, I excitedly pulled in deck furniture, took down our flag and bought two new packs of D batteries. Not to mention the amount of time I spent talking Big Brother, who just finished "reading" The Wizard of Oz, about how he wasn't going to wind up in the land of flying monkeys.

I mean...did even rain?! Ridiculous.

justmakingourway said...

What's really annoying is the people two days out who say, "Oh, it's not going to be anything" while I'm scrambling for the last pack of D batteries and lashing down my deck furniture, only to have them be right. Jerks.

Love the Ruthie story. Lost teeth make me weepy too.

So wait - are you saying one of your kids is going to be in the World Cup?