Monday, February 28, 2011

Freewheelin: Honoring Suze Rotolo

Bob Dylan and Suze Rotolo

This image pretty much sums up my romantic teenage years. I think I tried to recreate this album cover many times. I should have put myself in Bob's place, but the truth is, I always wanted to be Suze...

Suze Rotolo (the woman on the album cover) died this week. I have no idea what became of her life after her "life" with Dylan. She was always frozen for me there: in love, loved, wanted, happy.

He wrote songs about her and spoke about her influence in those early years: she was his muse for a while: "Don't Think Twice.."and "Boots of Spanish Leather." She introduced him to the politics he would later write but never care much about. She welcomed him into her world, which inspired the beginning of his best work.

They broke up.
She moved on.
She never spoke of him to the press and that made me love her even more.

Suze Rotolo will always be my example of feminine inspiration: she was beautiful and smart and way more than a clinging girl on an album cover. I adored her, but more importantly, without her, there wouldn't be as much amazing music in the world.

Thanks Suze. You mattered.

Here's the song you made happen.
I know somewhere Bob is humming it too.
Sleep tight.
You wasted nothing.

2commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Paula/adhocmom said...

Did you read her memoir? A Freewheelin' Time: A Memoir of Greenwich Village in the Sixties? Check it out. It's a good New York story. .

Momo Fali said...

Aw! This is so sweet. I hope someone says such nice things when I die!