Monday, February 28, 2011
Freewheelin: Honoring Suze Rotolo
Friday, February 25, 2011
Letter to Carolyn
I am back in the land of an internet connection that does not run on pig grease or whatever shit they use out there where my mom lives. I brought all the Drunkards back with me, though the plan had been to leave two (Ro getting braces tomorrow; SamtheDog going to the Vet) and The Kid would swing out Friday for the weekend and more skiing.
Imagine me running (running!!) in ski boots with a mushroom shaped blue helmet on her head toward the “ski patrol” which, as luck would have it, looks just like every other run down shed on that mountain, so naturally most of my running was in crazy, wobbly circles. By the time I reached the shack, I was in a full on dripping-sweat and in dire need of oxygen. Bridget on the other hand was splinted and slinged and weepy. Haven’t gotten x-rays yet but I'm thinking it's more likely a sprain. Yay snowboarding!
Also, I had a dream where I had a miniature baby that I carried around in a zip loc bag. You (CarolynOnline) kissed the baby’s teeny head and told me to zip it up in the inside pocket of my bag so we could get into some swinging club where some hot dude (who was maybe on the run -- FROM JAIL) was waiting for us. I think we were on a Nancy Drew-type mission. When we got inside, we had to weave past all these long flowing curtains (I think I saw this on a CSI Miami episode) and when we came out on the other side, it looked like the lobby at Blogher.
Monday, February 14, 2011
This + This (should) = Love (plus update)
Hoping Neighbor Girl will come take better ones in the dress I chose... well, that I think I chose? Also I tested out my heel-walking this weekend with Jess and Cooper and sang Karaoke and never fell once.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Seeking Girl Lessons
Spent two.five solid hours trying on dresses and shoes at Marshall's for my upcoming DC trip (no kids) with The Kid.
Decided it might be nice to look sophisticated for a change, possibly sexy.
Do you think the mirrors in places like that are trick ones? Because when I tried on the two choices at home...
WTF back fat? You were not there earlier today...
Good God.
Also, since my feet are so small and slinky high heels so not my area of expertise, I looked and walked like a bound-foot Chinese girl/drag queen. I might not know sexy, but I am sure this wobbling, hobbled bit I do in heels -- isn't it.
I need some girl lessons,
And a stylist. And a trainer.
Sooo... we'll begin here:
These are pictures of the shoes arriving tomorrow -
Sofft Galliana">
Sofft Reyna">
Yup, not a stiletto. No matter: I still might walk in those. Or fall flat on my face in those.
Come with me on this adventure of learning sexy lady-hood!
Because I'm gonna post pictures of me in dresses -- ME IN DRESSES! -- or at least some ideas of me in dresses during the 10 days before I need to choose and pack. (Think: artistic.)
Which means: there's gonna be some awkward photos of me. Possibly wobbling. And trying to look sexy in self-portraits or in the ones my friend Mo takes.
It's gonna be awesome! And really, really sexy and/or the funniest shit you ever did see.
If I were gambling girl, I'd go with the latter.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
I Have Declared an End to Dinner
Alert the media, Michelle Obama, the grocery store and probably my mother-in-law too: I have thrown the gauntlet into my last fry pan. Dinner is officially off.
"What's for dinner?" they say. I could say fried pickles with a side of chocolate sauce, but it wouldn't matter: the Three Short Drunk People wouldn't even hear me. They would be too busy ripping their hair out and rolling on the floor in fits of dramatic disgust.
"Why do I have to eat this thing that is too hot/too gross/too smelly/too funny/too sweet/too sour?" and they won't hear that answer either. They'll be too busy wiggling in their seats, too busy shoving their palms into their faces, too busy debating the merits of pork chops with their inner food critics. They can't hear my encouraging and gentle words threats of "EAT for crying out loud EAT!" because their inner food critic will be commanding me to "pack my knives and go."
Tonight, in the middle of yet another Storm of the Century, I declared that dinner was officially cancelled. Forever.
Since I don't want to end up on Dr. Phil (or in court), it should be noted that I did promise to provide cheese and apples and some tortillas plus my spatulas and the griddle and whatever is available in the pantry too. I think I said some other things, but mostly my declaration sounded like this, "Oh yeah, Short Drunk People? You think you can do better? Have at it!"
And then I added, for effect and also because I meant it, "And when I cook something you might like? Forget about getting a bite because I'm eating every bit and if I can't, I'm licking whatever is left behind!"
I have not resorted to these drastic measures because I have worn nothing but giant boots for weeks, nor have I done it because I think my back is permanently damaged from lurching my torso into unhealthy shapes while trying not to fall on my ass while lugging in groceries. (Oh! The irony!)
So, I'm getting out of the kitchen.
Forever. Or tonight at least.