Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dear Lady in New Jersey

I don't know you, but I am pretty sure we would be fast friends.

My excellent brother-in-law who you work with mentioned the fact that his wife's weirdo younger sister writes a blog. And apparently you listened to him, which is funny in about three different ways: 1) he mentioned the blog, 2) he has co-workers who ACTUALLY listen to him (oh brother-in-law: I kid, I kid) and 3) you referred to The Kid in public as "The Kid" which I am telling you now, dear Lady in New Jersey, is gonna make The Kid crazy, crazy happy.

We started off on the right foot, right there. That pretty much sealed the deal between you and me.

The fact that anyone would bother with the ravings and rantings I put to (virtual) paper is a complete happy riddle for me. I think that's how most minor writers bloggers feel. I think most of us declare some space on the interwebs, tap tap on the noisy keyboard and whoa! wait! people actually read this babble?

It's weird, and it's great, Lady in New Jersey.

(It turns out most interwebby writer people consider themselves very lame in real life social circumstances* like Carolyn does sometimes or even Ciii and Jen W or For Myself or Kristin or Aimee. Which is really funny and strange because, out here? They only seem all kinds of confident and interesting and brave.)

But I digress, which you know I do anyway, because apparently you found something here that keeps you coming back, and so you've seen me get so off the path before that you might have wondered (as I have): was there ever a path here to begin with? And the answer is: mostly: nope. No path. But like Gretel, I follow the crumbs and get back on track eventually. Right? Right?

Dear, dear Lady in New Jersey, who has a life so different from mine, when my sister told me that you read these words on A REGULAR BASIS, I mean, listen Lady from New Jersey, I wanted to grab you by the shoulders and just kiss you straight on the mouth. Which I would actually never do, what with that whole problem* (unless I had already imbibed like 5 million Miller Lites, because then I am all kinds of kissy) (just saying) (shut UP!) but still: I love you Lady from New Jersey and I think it's pretty cool that you come around.

Ms Picket

PS: To you blog dudes: consider this a serious ass tag (that I am starting yo!) and also YO! write a letter to your secret (or not so secret) (or you wish was a secret?) reader. And let me know when you do.

PSS: OMG. Carolyn is so totally gonna love this.

17commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

patty said...



Ohmygod. I clearly have work to do here.

Signed, the chick who was a little nervous about linking to you when she posted a picture you'd like because you are TOTALLY ONE OF THE COOL KIDS while I am all NEBBISH and WEIRD.

for a different kind of girl said...

This is a lovely love letter! I have lots of people who come back often during a day's time. Or maybe it's me and I haven't yet realized it yet, SO...since I think I pretty much write to myself all the time, maybe my posts, when I get them up and around, count?? I'm so whacked out on the tired right now I have no idea!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this post.

A couple months ago this guy I know IRL who links to me from his blog was all, "Dude, some guy I work with asked me how you were doing. I guess he's reading you." And I was all weirded out and touched and now I know there's some rando in Houston who reads AND was all asking about me to this guy IRL. Aaaaahhhh, my worlds are colliding!!!

unmitigated me said...

Am taking this assignment seriously, fearless leader. I'll be posting my Great Interview Experiment interview on Monday. Expect to see this one on Tuesday!

unmitigated me said...

And, Holy Crap! I read you religiously!

Carolyn...Online said...

Damn Ms. P you know I can't go around writing love letters. Getting mushy. Admitting the love. Hang on I'm getting itchy. BUT I'm not surprised that Lady in Jersey loves Ms. Picket because I love Ms. Picket too. There. That's all the love letter I can muster. Is 8:06am too early for Miller time?

Kevin McKeever said...

How much is postage these days? Will I need to take out another mortgage?

Anonymous said...

We all love you Ms Picket, for your forthright honestly, as well as your humorous take on everyday life. You help us all be a little more secure with our own secret quirks.

Keep writing, keep happy and keep dreaming big my friend!


Kristin @ Going Country said...

Wait . . . am I the Kristin you reference up there as being very lame in real life social circumstances? Because I can be. Occasionally.

But I think that's why a lot of us blog. If I may speak for others, which is always a dicey proposition. Because we are ALSO all kinds of confident and interesting and brave . . . but it can be hard to make people see that in real life. I think in person, I either come across as too shy (sometimes I am) or too cocky (sometimes I'm that, too). But on my blog, I present my best self. And it's shocking--SHOCKING--how many perfect strangers find that self worth getting to know.

Or maybe they just like the sheep photos. Hard to say.

I'll try this, Ms. Picket, but I do not have your way with words. I rely heavily on the aforementioned sheep photos to keep everyone entertained.

Leslie said...

Oh, homework.

I think I'll write a hate letter to my friend who pretended to by my blog reader from France. Cuz I hate him. Still.

Aimee said...

I'm so doing this! But, it's not the friendly kind...because I have a quiet reader, as of late, who happens to be in the US House.

Samantha said...

Your so awesome its not even funny... but you also make me laugh so maybe it is. Its really no wonder you have followers because your kind of awesome.

I wonder who I'll write to...

Lipstick Jungle said...

I think I wrote that letter one day last week - only it was done on email - to this wierdly awesome blogger that I love to read. I think she lives in your area - I think if you looked at the mirror and waved she would wave right back at ya!

I would be lost without your musings (and Fadkogs too)!

Leslie said...

Hey, I left you a little something over at my place.

Samantha said...

The letter has been written.

Anonymous said...

I would love to write a letter to my coworker that I know lurks but then he will know that I know and then I will lose my mystique of being so completely different but the same and I don't know where I am going with this but I have a penchant for the run on sentence of late.

RhoRho said...

Ha! Lovin' it. It is kinda weird, the lurkers esp. that you may run into locally and dont expect them to know what you drank last night or whatever. And you find out thru someoen else but they don't admit it themselves. It's much more comforting for the lurkers to be "out there" somewhere. But whatever, as long as they admit they read it they can lurk. I guess.