I have a cold or allergies or something sniffly enough that made me, last night, decide to blow off this day. I told him then: it's a Thursday, there's soccer, my throat hurts and let's wait to have big fun. He said OK and also "15 years?" and I said, while rolling over into tissues and my pillow: that's a fucking long time.
Last year: it was different. He was a majahplayah and I was alone a lot.
Now? He's with me all the time. All.the.time.
And yet: I am not sick of him. I am not done with him. He laughs at my jokes, and despite his politics, I love what he says. He is still the most interesting, most annoying, most compelling part of every day I have.
Someone once told me she felt butterflies when her boyfriend walked into the room. I was three years married and I worried: why don't I feel butterflies?
It takes fifteen years to realize butterflies fade and die. It takes fifteen years to hear crickets and coyotes out your door -- and beat both back. It takes fifteen years to know that butterflies come from shitty caterpillars and that one day, the fluttering pretty thing you cling onto, that you cling onto, will not become the thing that is lasting.
What lasts? his laughter, his strong thighs, your obstinacy, his sweaty sweet neck, your will. What lasts is one night on a couch not speaking, or a night in the dark figuring it out. What lasts is not some butterfly flutter, not a fancy gift but this: some easy cocoon, the life we made for each other.
Kid, I love you and for every way I have turned you out and embarrassed you in these pages, this is for you:
DUDE? Truce?
18commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...
Ms. P., I think I love you.
Your husband is a lucky, lucky man. Happy anniversary.
Happy anniversary!
I'm a month away from 15 years, too. Sometimes I forget this, but this is perfect and true. Thank you for it. Happy anniversary!
(total movie star, btw...)
Oh, Ms. P! You are ready for your close-up darling, and I love you for posting that pic.
Wonderful way to sum up exactly what makes it work - even on the occasions when it's not working that great.
Happy Anniversary!
WORKIN IT!!! I hope I have your body after 3 kids!
Congrats! As a newlywed, 15 years sounds like an f*ing lifetime. Here's to another 15!
Can I hire you to come make up with my husband? I think you'd get a lot farther than I can.
Bitch, that is HOT!
Congrats on the big 1-5. xoxo
You are my hero.
And congratulations!
Work it, baby, work it. Perfection. Congratulations.
Holy hotness!
Happy anniversary. I hope he thanks you for it.
You're the cats meow, Ms. Pickett (and I'm not even THAT old to have heard that phrase when I was a kid!) Happy Belated Anniversary!
He did respond with,"Truce!", right?
Plus, you? You = brave + hawt!
Crickets and coyotes and caterpillars and...
oh my.
Great googly moogly.
(can I use that photo as my next Polite Fictions entry? I'm pretty sure we've just found our Charlie...)
(also: happy anniversary! we hit our #10 on Friday.)
Happy 15! We just hit 17 and I feel the same way as you. (But I don't look as hot in a swimsuit.)
Congratulations. And I mean that in so many ways.
I love that you have the balls to post yourself in a bathing suit on the internet! Although, if I had your bod, I'd certainly consider it!
Happy belated ms. cougar I mean picket!
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