Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fios Con Dios

Today, a kind yet quiet man, who looked like Turtle from Entourage, spent the day with us at Casa Picket hooking up speedy TV and web stuff and magic. It was a tricky business that required a brain bigger than mine and also, the pure bravery of that guy -- Turtle spent hours in the bowels of our house. While down there, I casually kicked boxes of ancient detritus out of the way, shoved plastic crates of haunted house props to the side, handed him a light bulb when none seemed to work, all the while donning my gardening gloves and with a "helpful" child in tow. Turtle was all, "What the eff, man..."

Me and my gloves (a hole in the finger, totally useless) and 5 kids (two spares) split to the backyard where I engaged them in arts and crafts and nature lessons handed out slushies and fruit snacks and like Huck Finn, only uselessly, bragged about the joys of weeding. They played sticky kick-ball, hopped up on straight sugar, with red and blue and purple mustaches. It was a perfect, sweat-free day, and I made a mockery of crab grass. At last.

Meanwhile, Turtle toiled. He ran cables and fiddled with... stuff. He sauntered up and down stairs, casually strolled past the side-cart of a sleeping spot the GFYO has set up near our bed, and he never spoke once. Naturally, I showed him where the bathroom was and how to get a glass of water. Forgot to tell him where the glasses were. Forgot to check if there was toilet paper in the loo. Which there wasn't.

He heard poop jokes and stories about electrified bb pellets in the woods (they weren't; kids are always so thrilled when they think they might, you know, die) and he literally had to walk through Monopoly bits and short drunk people like they were mines. I am not sure why, but I kept my gloves on all day, ran rubber fingers through my hair, left dirt and probably lady bugs behind. We ate frozen pizza in front of him, on plates shaped like monkey's faces. Do you need to pee? I probably asked the GFYO twenty times: No? Then let go, for Christ's sake. A neighbor said, cheerfully, helpfully, There always someone tugging something, right? Right, I said.

Turtle never spoke. I think he blushed a little. Not sure.

Later, much later, like 8 hours later, the Kid got impatient (his own description) and decided to help. Which he didn' all...and it became all "oh Turtle, dude, I'm so sorry" and Turtle was all "what the eff, man -- I just want to go home to someplace normal" and I decided it was best to make Sloppy Joes out a giant mound of frozen beef.  (I removed the gloves, FYI.) Spatula in one hand, I carved my way through icy meat and also opened a 16oz aluminum bottle of Miller Lite, wide mouth and screw top no less (a gift from a lovely and always thoughtful cousin-in-law), and thought: today was another great day.

I meant it. It was. It was a great freakin' getting things done being nice Mom weeding and prettying-up and souping-up kind of day. There was no part of this day that sucked. 

Patched in and hooked up, Turtle never said good bye. Later, while hauling a trash can back in from the curb, a butt dangling from my lips all classy-like, I saw the faint sign of his farewell: black smudges from burning rubber.

Godspeed, Turtle. Go with God.


ALSO: please visit Polite Fictions -- a wikkid cool, hugely fascinating, and communally told story, that turns with every author, and Picket? She wrote there too....

12commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Waltzinexile said...

With the sad exception that no Entourage understudy was visible, you have just described every visit we've ever had by the DirecTV guy.

Momo Fali said...

I don't know what you're talking about because I never have days where I get things done. I kind of hate you a little right now.

for a different kind of girl said...

I am envious of your day. When we had the satellite/internet/lifeline dude here last year, he called in back up around Hour 6. I'm not saying this is the reason, but I'm pretty sure it was because I was making veiled porny remarks based on the whole 'repairman' thing he had going on. It's kinda my thing.

Also? Damn right you wrote there. You wrote the hell out of it there.

Carolyn...Online said...

I hate it when the cable guy walks over my laundry to get to that spot in the basement where the line comes in and I feel the need to explain that they make a LOT of dirty cothes and it's not my fault and I'm trying!

A Free Man said...

This post, probably due to your bolded sentence, reminds me of an Ice Cube song. And that is a good thing.

Jen W said...

I love days like that- when nothing, and seemingly everything, just happen.

justmakingourway said...

Getting good stuff done is always a nice feeling. Having fun while doing it is even better. Even if there is a disgruntled Turtle roaming your house.

Aimee said...

Our cable guy just left too. And he never finished. Could be that the younger of my two children mooned him...IDK

Samantha said...

Perfect day for Picket, the day the wouldn't end for Turtle.

Heather said...

That's what Turtle does and he's good at it. You've seen the show. You were just Vince for the day. Which would make The Kid Eric and the GFYO Johnny Drama.


Leslie said...

Repairmen don't use toilet paper, silly!

Lipstick Jungle said...

Last time we had a turtle like person in our house he literally DUMPED one of our tv's off the stand and broke it. Husband wants to get a different turtle like person to come to our house and change our service again. Im thinking about which tv I hate the most and how I can prop it so it falls just right so we can score a nice plasma! ha! lo