Monday, November 2, 2009

15 Random Things (Plus Updates)

1) When I chewed on asparagus tonight I wondered if it sounded as loud as it did in my head and also if I had consumed enough to make my pee stink.

2) Asparagus pee can be embarrassing.
3) I do not understand licorice. Or Almond Joy.
4) There is a fine line between being the PTO President and just another parent.
5) I still can't tell the difference.
6) My daughter falls down stairs so much, I've stopped looking to see where she lands.
7) The Kid came home. I was too sleepy to be sweet or sexy. He tucked me in, even as busy as he (gratefully) is.
8) Carolyn says something about blogging every day. Make note to self: "call Scott; tell him Carolyn is crazy"
9) The Kid wants to know where I can live besides here: I never answer because I don't know how to without disappointing someone.
10) I find more bugs in my kids' hair.
11) I consider shaving my own head.
12) I send nasty well-written letters to town officials (not about lice).
13) I wonder why it's always me who stands up, writes mean letters, rallies troops.
14) My daughter asks tonight before dinner, "how'd it go at yer meeting," and the Kid says, great.
15) My daughter says, "I was asking Mom."

7commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Carolyn...Online said...

First of all, you're drunk. I'm not blogging every day. No worries. Second, she was asking mom. Awesome.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Someone's gotta be the general to rally the troops. Guess you've been elected, Ms. P.

And yes, blogging every day is crazy. I'm ready to be sent away now.

Heather said...

I like Almond Joy, but, I am crazy like that.

Letters and lice. I've had both. Lice makes me grumpy because it is such a pain in the ass to get rid of the little buggers. Letters are good for the town and at least you know what you will do when you are old.


for a different kind of girl said...

Licorice is a waste of sugar. In fact, does licorice even have sugar in it? Because it tastes like death, and I'm pretty sure death doesn't come sprinkled with the good stuff.

Leslie said...

Re: #3 you speak heresy and it makes me sad. But we can connect over beer, even if not over candy, right?

Unknown said...

Did you know that everyone's pee smells from asparagus, its just that some people don't have the gene (or whatever) to smell it. I can eat one tiny bite of it and I can smell my pee... definitely kind of embarrassing.

Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo said...

you obviously haven't had raspberry licorice.

Dammit. I have none and now I NEED it!