Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Voting in Massachusetts...Breaking...

Holla from the home of the biggest non-Haiti news story today!

I have three things to report from the frontlines:

1) My daughter can do an excellent impression of Martha CO-kley who asks us to vote on TOOOS-day.

2) My other daughter finishes nearly every sentence with -- "and I approved this message."

3) I am unplugging my voicemail: STOP CALLING BARACK! Jeez. Get a life, man.

Also: it snowed and then rained today and the turnout was still kinda gigantic at the polls in the Small Town. We have boots for this kind of crap and also, honestly, I think we like it when people talk about us. Especially when that talk doesn't include the words "Brady" or "Sox" or "Dukakis" or wait? Does anyone talk about Massachusetts?

I mean, we WERE the first in the nation to legalize gay marriage and offer comprehensive healthcare coverage for all its citizens (sound familiar?) (thank you Mitt Romney, you Republican you) so I guess it is newsworthy and also truly ironic that ours could be the state to BLOW THAT ALL TO BITS for everyone else. Which kind of makes me ashamed of my great state.

And also: I approved this message.

8commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Jen said...

Don't be ashamed hopefully the balance will be slightly restored.

Carolyn...Online said...

Maybe there will be an earthquake and Anderson and Sanjay can come up there and work this shit out.

justmakingourway said...

Did you say Brady?

Heather said...

We were sad about it here. Sorry.

Leslie said...

That story makes me want to climb under a rock. I am so frustrated with the whole political scene I cannot stand any of it. But your post makes me very, very glad that Barack was not calling my phone and those ads were not on my TV.

Susan said...

I was disappointed, too. Do you think your fellow citizens felt like new healthcare was a threat to the great deal they already have? Was Coakley really a bad candidate as I'm hearing people say? The irony is killer...

btw, I visited your state recently. I'd move there in a minute once I had some boots.

Lisa said...

Speaking of Sox, I was never a Brown supporter, but when Curt Schilling called me, that sealed the deal for me...dude needs to stick to baseball.

A Free Man said...

Ah, can't really hold Massachusetts fully responsible. The more news I hear from the States the more that I'm convinced that y'all are headed more quickly down the crapper than anyone anticipated. Flee now.