Friday, May 7, 2010

Analyze This Dream: No, Really -- I Mean It

I have incredibly lucid dreams, the kind that hang around in my waking life for hours and sometimes days. Once George Clooney took me to Prom. Another time, I saved hundreds of people from a sinking cruise ship. Two things are important about these dreams: 1) I have never been to a Prom, and 2) I have never been on cruise ship. I do however like a man in a tuxedo and being the ballsy heroine.

So I think we know what those dreams were about.

I don't always dream like this: certain medications can dull the scope of my dream life. For a while I took a drug to quit smoking. It didn't work and I never dreamt anything that I could remember. I'm still not sure which outcome was more devastating.

Lately, I have had two dreams that I shared with my friend, Mo. She's used to me saying all kinds of absurd stuff; plus, her husband is the dude who once read my astrological chart with intense expertise. I knew the company was suited for my weird dreams, which were briefly:
1) I see a little splinter on the GFYO's big toe and so I get my tweezers and go to work. Out comes a long single black hair. Followed by a tangled web of more black hair, and then more and more...
2) I had to catch food with my mouth only. I bobbed and weaved, like a party-trick doer.
So Mo's husband consults his library of awesome metaphysical books and sure enough, there are meanings to my nocturnal madness.

Toes = s balance
Hair = s thoughts and concerns

Mouth = s communication (and alt: you know what Freud thinks)
Food = s nourishment of all kinds: emotional, spiritual, social, etc.

I typed the info into my tiny phone so I would remember and I write it down here because I wonder: what does it all mean? Nothing, something, anything?

Go to it, geniuses. Figure me out.

7commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Cheryl said...

First one brought to mind that the hair was for a nest. The second one had me visualizing you as a bird. Are you having or adopting a baby? Is someone else in your life doing that instead of you?

Nesting bird, that's you. Maybe it's spring cleaning time. (Yes, I'm shutting my mouth now.)

TwoBusy said...

For some reason, the infinite toe hair kinda freaks me out.

for a different kind of girl said...

The toe hair dream freaks me out, too, and I have not wisdom about it other than to say it makes me think of some horribly Americanized remake of a truly good Japanese movie in which a creepy Asian child comes out of the walls or the tub drain and then never leaves and perhaps talks over you and makes faces behind your back while you're trying to entertain guests, effectively stealing the show from you.

Long story short, no idea.

justmakingourway said...

Yeah, I'm with FADKOG. The hair thing reminds me of a totally freaky scene in The Ring. Which is and of itself and totally freaky - but excellent if you like that kind of thing - horror flick. (Stay away from The Ring Two, though.)

Anyway, no idea about the dreams. Maybe the second one means that you are hungry? Did you skip your before bed snack?

Aimee said...

Both dreams sound like there is something lacking in your mind (not marbles either) Like maybe you are looking/needing more balance in your life between being a Mom and being you. Or your personal emotional needs are not being met...I don't really know. Maybe you've been meeting your own needs and that gives you a certain amount of guilt regarding your children? Not sure just taking wild guesses here. But dreams are def our minds' way of working out the kinks. You probably know better than any of us. What have you been feeling lately? Also, it might mean you just need to spend a little more time writing! :) or is it my need to read more of your writing?

Carolyn...Online said...

Dude. You've never been to a prom?

Yeah, that's the part I'm clinging to.

Okie said...

Interesting. I am (usually) the kind of person who almost never remembers my dreams. Sometimes I'll wake up with a "feeling" that I dreamt something but I can seldom call it up enough to do any sort of thinking about it.

As to your two new dreams, the gloss's from your friend's husband's book is sort of in line with what I would have thought #1 might mean...that you feel like your life is being thrown out of whack by constant troubles that you just can't seem to get a hold get rid of or minimize one and it just comes back bigger.

For #2, my interpretation would have been based partly on the knowledge of #1 and I would have said it was related...that you felt like you were having to "bob and weave" to try and keep up with everything that life was throwing at you.

Really interesting post...Sometimes I honestly wish I could remember my dreams enough to ponder them. Other times, I'm glad I don't because I already have enough strange random ideas flowing in my conscious brain to keep me busy. :)