Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It's Like A Grocery List of Ugly and Awesome

Things I Have Done Over The Past Two Weeks:

1.... 273

Really? You think I'm gonna list all that stuff? It's so boring and hardcore overachieving, it dulls the mind. Let me say this: the penultimate end of every school year makes PTO wenches like me dream in lists and agendas and budgets and not so much in angel wings and beautiful things and poetry.

Things I Am Doing In the Next Week:

I am packing up my three children and my husband for a five day vacation in the Great Capital of Florida's Over-55 Residences (where the growth of STDs is highest in the nation per-capita, FYI). (Which is all kinds of awesomely cool, if you think about it, despite the gonorrhea.) I will wash every one's summer clothes and buy them new swim suits if needed and then I will pack all of it into two bags for maximum easy travel. I will print the itinerary for the flights I booked and then, kiss them all as they leave.

As they leave.

Then? I will roll my own bag to the door. MY OWN BAG. Packed with my own bathing suits and my own beach dresses and my own Target sandals. Because the next day? I will greet the crack-ass of dawn to make a flight to a tiny car-less island on the Gulf of Mexico with a bunch of broads who will be equally childless and husbandless.

That's right. We're 40. We roll like this.

Things I Might Do After That:

I might write on my blog, I might not. I might be over-productive and shoot off PTO emails like a gunner, or maybe I'll back down and screw it all. I might take my kids for ice cream just because, and I might decide that no on gets ice cream EVER AGAIN for the same reason. I might call my dad, I might not. Who the fuck knows?

Do you?

I'm sick of making lists and adding it all up: what I've done, what I'll do (who I am?). I am sick of predicting my own future like it's possible, like I could plan for it. There is no App for that. No list for it. No way to prepare or get ready or get my game on for it.

It will come. I will be there.

If I pick up another pen to plan and make sense, stop me, ok?
Just stop me.

And meanwhile: go to Polite Fictions and be inspired... GO!

9commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Formerly known as Frau said...

Brilliant! I love it hubs and kids one way you and the GF's another! Go easy on the cabana boys!

Cindy S said...

Hey, Ms. Picket, if anyone leaves you on the side of the road this time, you just give me a call...

for a different kind of girl said...

Is there any room in your bag for me? I need to toss out my lists and just scratch "Take a damn vacation already!" on the top of the page. I've never done that. I think I deserve, yo!

Kevin McKeever said...

This is why I avoid making lists. I don't any more reminders of my incompleteness.

Cheryl said...

Lists make my head explode. It's ugly. I love the image of them going one way and you going another. It's a beautiful thing.

Carolyn...Online said...

I will be confiscating your pen, iPhone, and brain on the boat on the way to the island.

justmakingourway said...

That is so beyond cool. I say toss the list overboard!

Slamdunk said...

Funny stuff.

We are preparing for our 11 hour drive to the beach with screaming kiddos in a few weeks--I like the destination, but the trip I coudl do without.

I hope you enjoy FL and the island.

X said...

I need to start treating my to-do lists the same way. :)