Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Wikkid Smaht Kids: Still Wikkid Smaht

The GFYO has very fine penmanship for a 1st grader.

He also writes bad guys this way: badgis.


Rory reminds me (on the eve of a teacher/parent conference) that she is a "good kid." I know, I say. I'm not surprised I say. But how do you think you are as a "student," I ask?

Um, mom? she drags out in the way that 4th grade kids like her do:
Do you not remember my award for studentness?

I do, I say. (I resist every impulse to correct that non-word...)
And I say, I'm still not sure you know what I mean ---

"MOM! omigod! I have studentness! Back off! Geez...."


Bridget, who is 11, wants a cell phone for Christmas. Her pitch to me?

I'll call you alllll the time, even when you don't want me to!


There will come a day when my wikkid smaht kids will be way smarter than me. Until then, and because of that? I'm making proof of how delightfully awesome they've been in the meantime.

Also: shoring up lots of material for the rehearsal dinner toasts. Yo.

3commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Cheryl said...

Buh.. Buh.. BUH-Penmanship! I had no idea they still taught that.

Badgis and studentness. My wikkid smahtness quotient (WSQ) just jumped 10 points.

Susan said...

I've been trying to think of something clever to write for about three minutes - it ain't happenin'. Suffice it to say that your kids are fantastic and this post is golden!!

Carolyn...Online said...

They sound a little bit like the Republican candidates.