Tuesday, January 11, 2011

1.11.11 from Ten Years Old

When I was ten, I imagined this day: the day I would turn 41 -- 1/11/11.

If I had written something then, it might have read like this:

Dear Old Picket,

What's it like to fly?

Is your husband, Jason Bateman, still friends with that Ricky kid?

How are your two daughters -- Perseponee Wildflower and Kool Carol...

(Also: do babies really come from Space? Have you figured that out in the FUTURE?)

I hope you are being a very good and fair Supreme Court Judge, especially on your off days when you are an NFL commentator.

It is very cool to have a birthday like this, with all these numbers in a row,
except for that fact that you must be very, very old.

I hope Jason Bateman is like, the best husband ever.

See you in 31 --

MsPicket (age 10)

PS you: Do good. Laugh. Drink from the fountain:

10commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Formerly known as Frau said...

Happy Birthday! Too funny your 10 year old self! Hope you have a great day !

Momo Fali said...

Happiest Birthday! And, that Jason Bateman must be a two-timer, because he's mine!

kayare said...

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Bateman!

Cheryl said...

Happy belated 41st! Baby naming was so much easier when we were 10.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for you but Bateman's mine. We are MARRIED. Like, as in "Cindy with a heart dotting the i + Jason with a heart for an "o" kind of MARRIED.

I even loved him when he moved on and ditched "The Ricker" in favor of "Rich and Burt".

Back off.

for a different kind of girl said...

I'm here from the present to wish you a happy birthday from the past. Happy birthday!

You were even awesome at 11! Kool Carol?! I can only hope she would have been friends with my future daughter, Jessica. Just Jessica.

Aimee said...

Happy Birthday from young aimeepalooza, who is both starring on Broadway in Evita and the first female president of the United States! Babies don't come from space...women poop them out...I saw it happen on General Hospital.

Heather of the EO said...

Oh my hilarity!

Happy Birthday to you, lady!

TwoBusy said...

Argh! I missed it! Dammit.

Happy Birthday (late, but still applicable), Ms. Picket. I hope it was full of cheap beer and big laughs.

San Diego Momma said...

Well here I am late.
And older than you.
But that is neither here nor there.

Drink long and heartily from the water fountain of life!

I know you already do...but in your 41st year, may your sips be even hearty-er.

Yeah, I don't know what that means either.