Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's Almost Like I Eat BonBons All Day

This morning, one snooze button push after the alarm went off at the crack of way too early for me, I zipped a fleece jacket over my jammie top and slipped on day-old jeans. I raced downstairs, made breakfast (ie: nuked pancakes), made lunches, found lost socks, mopped up a puddle of syrup, got everyone out and phew! That was done.

Did some work while swilling coffee. Left to run errands. Talked to the bank teller, talked to a shop keeper, talked to my friend Amy who I bumped into at CVS.

Came home.

Realized I forgot something. Left home again. Came home.

Considered eating healthy lunch but instead opted for left-over chicken wings.

Did a little more work. Answered emails.

Cleaned the kitchen. Swept the floor. Talked to the dog.

Picked up the GFYO, neighbor kids and one extra. Slipped on ice but did not fall.

Answered questions about the Arctic Circle which as everyone knows is my speciality. Found an eraser that actually worked. Picked up four coats and five mittens.

Found sixth mitten in the driveway. Booyah!

Sent some emails. Wrote some invoices. Figured out new software on computer. Solved the mystery of why my daughter's knees are blue.

Talked to the Kid who is working in yet another foreign country.

Dropped GFYO's play date off at his home. Made dinner (ie: store bought rotisserie chicken), scooped ice cream, found lost homework, wiped ice cream off hands, mouth and ears of GFYO, wiped ice cream off fridge, oven and dog. Read stories, listened to a story, folded laundry, threw another load in, sorted the mitten/hat/what have you basket, cleaned the kitchen and phew! That was done.

I was hot. Unzipped fleece jacket. And, yep, that's right. I spent the entire day in my jammie top.

I am, it turns out, a delicate lady of leisure.

5commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Amelia said...

She's turning into a smurf?

Aimee said...

SAHM...such an easy life!!!! ha ha ha! But seriously, why are the knees turning blue?

Heather of the EO said...

true story-I've totally done this.

well, not ALL of this. But the jammies under the fleece thing.

But no blue knees...we have no blue knees over here. Does it have anything to do with chalk? wild guess, indeed.

Anonymous said...

I am now assuming that, like mine, your jammie tops are of the "almost like a winter shirt" variety and not of the slinky, barely there, satin variety.

So, we're eating bon bons AND super-sexy. Yay, us.

Cheryl said...

Livin' the life of Riley. How lovely for you. (The knees are cold, right? That's why mine are always blue.)