Thursday, October 11, 2007

Halloween Thought Number Two

This video has encouraged me to dress my kids as speed bumps for Halloween. Or maybe ghosts, in extra long sheets without eye-holes. In the interest of safety, this woman has turned her child into a character from "Eyes Wide Shut" or the "Davinci Code" or worse. But the look on her concerned face with regard to the mask is mine almost every day with regard to everything -- "huh? somethings just not right here.."
My mother sent me out for Halloween when I was 8 or 9 (in the 70s) as a scarecrow with a blunt edged stick strapped over my shoulders that held up fake, straw stuffed arms. Pretty sure I either blinded or knocked out a kid or two every time I turned around. But man, I looked hot and got some serious chow that year. Thanks mom!


Major Bedhead said...

Judging by that video, my kids should go as reflective bubble wrap. Or maybe rolls of toilet paper.

The Siamese cat stole that scene. Totally stole it.