Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Ladies Night(s)

I'll probably misspell about 73 words writing this little thing. After three days and nights away "skiing" with a gaggle of girls, it's not only my voice that is shot: my brain is still recovering too. Still, despite windburn, random aches and pains, a renewed love of chocolate covered pretzels (just what I don't need) and bags that need unpacking, I would head back up there in a flash.

There's something about girly camaraderie that really brings out the best in grown-up girls. Haven't laughed that hard, talked that much, relaxed so well in such a long, long time. Long lunches with soup and wine, chit-chat all day and shenanigans all night, secrets told and (most importantly) kept -- it makes up for endless laundry and snotty noses.

For me, it was like time-traveling to high school or college (except without the fake ID). For some of our crew, it was a first-time experience with the kind of chick bonding that takes giggling and coffee klatches to whole other level. It was the ultimate play date. It was a completely rip-roaring good time.

It's gray and windy and cold today. I don't want to clean out my car (how did flour spill everywhere?), or get the ski stuff put away, or turn on the washing machine, or do the dishes. I want to be sitting under blankets with all those girls, solving the world's problems and our own one stupid joke at a time. Oh, and wine with lunch would be pretty sweet too, but I think peanut butter sandwiches and juice boxes are on the menu today.


Anonymous said...

what I would do to be under those covers chit chatting again.