Wednesday, May 7, 2008

8 Things

The nice lady at Completely Me is playing this fun little game (aka: a meme) where in you must divulge 8 little known facts about yourself. And Lordy! How I love a good game! Even ones that don't include this:

(I kid, I kid...)

So, here goes:

1) I cannot whistle. At all. Not one bit.

2) I once stole a ring on a play date when I was nine. I returned it the next time I was there, but I still feel bad about it and have never told my friend, who I still see from time to time.

3) I drive the long way home sometimes. I love being alone in my car.

4) I do not recycle everything I should. (Do not tell Al Gore, but he probably reads the site and so, presumably, I have outed myself.)

5) Despite my mortgage, my three kids, my marriage, my garden, my last will and testament: I do not feel like I'm at all old enough to have any of it and I wonder when the world will find out.

6) I still wish I was Joni Mitchell. Or Carole King.

7) I have my high school soccer jacket in my closet.

8) I am convinced my dead grandparents visited me from the Ever After and played coochie coo with B when she was 6 weeks old. Like totally, completely convinced. It lasted about twenty minutes and was one of the coolest, happiest experiences of my life.

Wanna play? Go for it. You're it!


Anonymous said...

I still feel bad about a Lego piece I stole for my brother from a friend's house. He wanted it, and he appreciated it, but I shouldn't have lied or stolen it in the first place.

I'm also convinced an angel saved me from more than one car accident, and that the angel was my father who passed away in a motor vehicle collision. I honestly cannot explain it any other way.