Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Take My Wife, Please

With all the hullaballoo in Texas and the creepy allegations against the even creepier FLDS and Warren Jeffs, it's not just Barack and Hillary and Myanmar and earthquakes that keeps me all news-houndy and obsessive. Polygamy is the kind of cultural news that really gets a girl all thoughtful. And mildly squeamish.

I watched a few episodes of Big Love and I've seen their real-life counterparts on Oprah: the soccer-mom polygamists next door. Well, they're not next door to me actually, but they could be, they look the part, and if I could get past the whole one husband-three wives thing, we might even be friends. And dare I say it, I kind of, sort of, a little bit see the upside to their "arrangement."

Because I could really use a wife. And though the joke's presumably been played out, there is a lot more I could get done with another wife around the house. We would never run out of milk for one or forget to pick up the dry-cleaning/mail the package/bring in the trash cans, but mostly I think we would blow off all that boring crap and instead dig around in the garden, trade books and magazines and clothes, and take turns playing Wii with the kids. Upsides galore!

It's the whole sleeping with the same husband thing that kind of freaks me out. Which is very likely the upside for the husband. That, and the harem of house-cleaning, kid-having, dinner-cooking babes to make a dude feel all King of the Castle. Do you think the sister-wives (with 22 children to raise) feel like Queens of the Castle, or do they have to take turns with that too?

I'm being judgy and icky on this issue perhaps but the whole thing just smacks of men using God and the Bible to shore up their hyper-exaggerated 1950s-esque pre-Betty Friedan version of marriage. It's seems a little too perfect that God's word would make it so men can enjoy a steady stream of younger and younger wives while the women's reward for such faithfulness is to be crowned "First Wife," which is pretty much a dressed up version of "Old Maid," emphasis on the maid part.

All this ranting aside: to each their own, as long as the rape of children is kept of out it. I honestly do hope there is an upside for women who choose a plural life (beyond the solace their faith allows). Because while I can see the potential benefit of having a live-in, unpaid helping hand and playmate, I am quite sure I can manage with my own (albeit non-live-in) version: my friends and neighbors, the same sistahs who would surely respond to The Stud's taking of another wife with a loud and unanimous, "oh no he didn't" and then help me beat him up with a broom.

7commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Lynsey said...

I am a huge fan of Big Love (although last season kind of sucked). They seem so normal to me (minus the whole having your husband have sex with the other wives too). But think about it, some people have open marriages (not me!) The only difference is, well you have help from the sister-wives. I don't think Jarred could handle another wife, and if that ever crossed his mind (and no, we're not Morman) I would make his life so miserable he wouldn't want to even look at another woman!

Kristin @ Going Country said...

That's funny, because my husband is always joking (I HOPE joking!) about polygamy and what a great idea it is. He even tells me I would like the arrangement because I would be the senior wife and could boss all the others (how many does he think there would be, exactly?) around. But then I remind him that that would just mean multiple wives to nag him and he backs off the idea.

MsPicketToYou said...

i hadn't thought about that: the to-do list would be massive. the husband would need a husband! maybe the whole commune idea was not so crazy after all...

Anonymous said...

I have a strange addiction to 'Big Love' haha.

Anonymous said...

Biologically, the whole polygamy thing makes sense. Morally, not so much.
Big Love is fun, but what if the main character wasn't a wealthy entrepreneur but a guy feeding his three wives and ump-teen children off food stamps.

Also, did you ever notice the duplicity in the show. Everyone lies to everyone else. I think in that arrangement you'd have too because of the emotional slights.

So, for me. To each his own. But only one at a time.

Anonymous said...

It's all fun and games until he comes home with a sister wife and you have to run over him with the car. Twice.

Anonymous said...

Big Love? How have I missed that one? Maybe if my husband had 21 other wives, one of them might actually keep the house clean...