School has begun, muthas, and what a great opportunity I've had to check on the operational status of the
Home Management Systems.
Let's have a look, shall we?

Yep, the Beauty Management Home Management System seems to be in tip-top shape! We've got

a doll's shoe, just one, that no matter how much I try,
will not fit -- now (keep.hope.alive!). A retainer case -- empty! The top to a tub of brown
foundation play dough. And a bacon key chain, with no keys attached. I misplaced mine, again, which is why there is no deodorant in the Beauty Management Home Management System. My bad.
(Also: I have no idea how that marketing ploy cheap beer holder got into the Beauty Management Home Management System, because god knows I have no idea what to do with a cheap beer holder.)
Moving on...
The Homeland Defense Home Management System is also in excellent operational shape.

No! Really...

One sock, no match. A pirate bandanna. Another one of those useless beer holder thingies. A cow bell. A tiny canister of tiny questions. Some duck tape, red, and a glue gun. You can never be too careful, people, and are there not a million uses for a pirate bandanna and a cow bell? WE CAN NOT LET THE TERRORISTS WIN.
The Homeland Defense Home Management System also continues to serve superbly as

the Bank. FYI.
Let's move on to the Home Maintenance Home Management System

which we recognize (duh)

by the one gardening glove, for one-handed gardeners, say.
But domestic life is not just defined by maintaining high standards of beauty, safety and perfectly one-handed manicured lawns. One must also remember to carefully document the sweet passage of time, and by that I mean the Great Works of Art and School, with the Archival Home Management System:

There is Turkey Hand in there that will make grown women weep. I swear it.
13commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...
Aw, we have the same organizational style. Perfect.
I love you even more. I never thought it possible, but I do.
You put me to shame. And how sad is that?
"I gotta have more cowbell!"
This makes me feel A LOT better about the state of my drawers. (As in cupboards, not undies...)
Tomorrow is national Talk Like A Pirate day so.... whew, found that bandana just in time!
I've seen the amazing things you can do with your glue gun! Keep that one at close bay. I am sure you and the red duct tape are a dynamic duo around the house as well.
I really appreciate this!
It's crazy, but I really love this post because we get to peek into your drawers. It's like getting a hold of a person's iPod. You really can tell a lot!
OMG, why don't you have your own show on HGTV?
My organizational style involves a lot of shifting things from one location to another, kind of like a repetitive Junk Witness protection Program. One set of drawers and cabinets (or an entire room) will become practically monastic, but the door to another room will mysteriously get, and remain, locked.
Ah yes! The turkey hand...brings tears to my eyes just picturing it.
is it weird that I am totally jealous of the bacon key chain and "rehab is for quitters," beer holder? because I am. I want them.
The very first time I read your blog, you wrote a post about your home management systems! I have gone astray from reading some of my favorite haunts, and today I come back to find #2 in line is a home management systems post! Feels like old home week! bwa! lo
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