Monday, August 9, 2010

Requisite Yet Confessional, Thinky (!) After-Blogher Post

I need to confess something.

I wrote a very long and over-thinky (which is, by the by, bad
and should not be confused with thinky, which is good) "goodbye to all this Picket stuff" post about 10 days ago. I meant every word, every labored, blubbery, i'm-outta-here, over-thinky word, but instead of just blurting it out, I did something shockingly unusual: I decided to sit on it for a while. This normally would not be a polite or well-intentioned thing for me to do, what with the crushing that could ensue, but in this case, waiting, sitting, even crushing, was one of my better ideas. And god knows, I have many, many good fucking ideas.

Anyhoo, that post is somewhere tucked away on this machine where I figure it will linger and lollygag and get lonely for me to come find it. Maybe someday I will. Maybe someday when I'm looking for something completely different it will pop up to say hello -- oh helllooooo, where have you been? And maybe I will hang out with it for a while and we'll play scrabble or boggle or charades or something. Who knows? For now, it stays hidden away and waiting.

See, I'm home from Blogher where Carolyn and I did our usual soul-searching and deeply intellectual conversation-making and about which she has written here. (You should go read it, even though she stole all the best stories and funny lines from me -- ALL.OF.THEM -- just like she stole all the drink tickets. But I digress.)

The thing is I'm glad I waited before hanging the foreclosure sign on the House of Picket, because it turns out even though the dog peed all over the carpet and the screen door rolls on its track like a square-shaped ball up a hill, it's comfy here. And you can't beat the location: it's a very, very short walk from the porch to some other houses (yo! updated blogroll and I command you to go there) with all kinds of good stuff going down by all kinds of amazing funny real tipsy truth-telling and dare I say, inspirational people.

Carolyn whispered to me on Saturday night, about one of the many we met and adored, "I wished she lived in our town." I love Carolyn but she is so bad with geography (me up here, she way down there) and yet so frickin' right (again). Doesn't matter where you live -- New England, Atlanta, Virginia, California, Maryland, Connecticut, Ohio, Canada, middle of nowhere, city, farm -- where you at? -- because here, here, it is OUR town, granted one big weird town with an inordinate amount of good looking, brilliant loudmouths, but ours nonetheless.

So, lock your garage doors, because I'm sneaking in for your beer and the boxes of bulk mac and cheese I know you store there. Someone's gotta feed these kids.

14commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

BaldBlondeGirl said...

You absolutely cannot say goodbye to the Picket Fence, unless you plan on upgrading to a wrought iron fence surrounding a mansion from the 1800's (which would just mean writing every single day, all day). xo

patty said...

Don't. You. Dare.

Major Bedhead said...

I didn't know you were going or I would have looked for you there. What a bummer.

Also? My link in your blog thingy down there is wrong. It's

for a different kind of girl said...

I tend to be uber compulsive about locking all my doors and double and triple checking all of them every damn night, but I'm willing to relax my strange ways if you're planning a trip to this neighborhood. I won't even scream when you tap me on the shoulder in the middle of the night. I can't say the same for my husband. Either way, I say be sure to tap the lump on the left hand side of the bed.

MsPicketToYou said...

FADKOG -- did I not make myself clear?
Your house is right around the corner and Toolman already left a secret key for me.
Silly girl.
I might snuggle in though. Just for fun.
Thanks for the Trix yogurt I found in your fridge -- the GFYO is thrilled!

Carolyn...Online said...

I didn't steal ALL the tickets. There was that one you found in your bra.

anymommy said...

I love you both. I never get enough time with your party-girl asses at that damn conference. It's absolutely because I'm lame and I go to bed too early.

Do not close down. Ever. Also, you're beer necklace rocks.

Cheryl said...

I KNEW IT! I remember when first one then another version of a fairwell title hit my whatchamacallit thingy (not to be confused with a think-y). They led nowhere. I tried them every single damn day for a week and still nowhere appeared.

Phew! Dodged a bullet fo' shizzle.

Many thanks for giving the Uncool one a hug for me. With all the stuff going on in NYC, I'm so thrilled you even had time to remember.

San Diego Momma/Two Funny Brains said...

I will send you my bulk mac 'n cheese, but I'm keeping the beer.

Also, do not close the doors here. I've only just found you and that would totally harsh my buzz.


Twenty Four At Heart said...

You can't disappear when I've only just discovered you!

RhoRho said...

You'd dig our garage cuz my hubs has a KEGerator in there.

TwoBusy said...

If "Our Town" is The Village, then I'm one of the red-cloaked, giant-clawed things lurking around in the woods just outside. And damned proud of it.

Which is to say: Those You Do Not Speak Of are here to keep guard and ensure that you do not escape.

Unknown said...

I'm glad you dodged that nasty foreclosure bullet. The blog world just wouldn't be right without you. I've started another one; what the heck, why not? said...

What if we don't LET you leave? We could stage a protest of some sort! I will start with a plead for you to stay.