Tuesday, May 19, 2020


We fight over the "good mask" we have. It's easy to breathe in and fits well.
We stock our cars with the homemade ones my sister so generously made out of old sheets and shipped to us. Double ply cotton, super cute, with little girl underwear waste band used for elastic.
She is the sewing hero we all need.

I'm disgusted that wearing a mask has become a new flag to wave, to stake in the ground.
Of all the things either side could beef about, this is not one.

You are not "better" if you wear one. But it's gently wise.
You are not flying your freak flag if you do not wear one -- it's just selfish if you don't when it's needed.

There are so many ways to express your politics right now.
If you have any extra change, invest in local races.

Whatever you do, and please, do as you will, please do not make public health a political beef.

2commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Nashsmom said...

I hate it. This was part of the instructions for our kid's pre-taped graduation:

You and your family members must wear a mask to enter the building, you will remove the mask to give
your legacy presentation and walk across the stage to get your diploma cover and take a picture with your
family. Then you will reapply your mask as you leave the building.

MsPicketToYou said...

I am down for whatever helps us all, but a lot of this makes no sense.