Thursday, December 6, 2007

Top Five: Gifts for a (Giant) Three Year Old

If you started at the beginning, you know where I am going with this.

What does a Giant Three Year Old boy really want for Christmas? Especially one who doesn't so much play with toys, but mostly just acts out make-believe dramas all over the house (and don't you dare look at him while he's in Ninja/Batman/Spy-guy mode because you'll just startle him and then, he'll be forced to realize he is not Ninja/Batman/Spy-guy and you, YOU, will pay for that).

He does like to color, God bless him. So my list is as follows:

1) Crayons
2) Coloring books and paper pads
3) Paints
4) A car track (very basic, figure eight)
5) A robot

Ideas? Should I wrap each crayon up individually, and call it a day? (You with multiple children, and you who were among multiple children, will know the gifts must be "equal" -- always.)

I love Christmas. I really do. No matter what I do, it's Santa's fault.


Major Bedhead said...

I got Boo an Aquadoodle for her birthday. It's a big mat with a water pen (which sounds messy, but isn't). She colours on the mat, the picture appears and when the water dries, poof, it's gone and it's all pristine for the next frantic round of scribbling.

She recently got a cheap pair of pinking scissors that she thinks are the best things ever. I can hand her a couple of sheets of paper and she's quiet for half an hour. Of course, I have little jagged pieces of paper all over the floor afterwards, but that's fine. Half an hour of silence is well worth 5 minutes of vacuuming.