Thursday, December 6, 2007

Top Five: Gifts for a Twelve Year Old Girl

I don't have one of my one, but I have a couple who confound me as far a gift-giving.

What would you have given your twelve year old self?

My list would include:

1) A dual-cassette boom-box
2) Blank cassette tapes to make "mixes"
3) A journal
4) Anything from Esprit
5) the new Elvis Costello record

What would you buy for a twelve year old today?

3commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Anonymous said...

who the hell uses boomboxes anymore? or cassettes?

MsPicketToYou said...

Hey jackknife, did you read this properly? Yeah, no one buys boom boxes anymore for twleve year olds.That's the dang point. I thought you were a "creative"?

Major Bedhead said...

When I was 12 -
The Dragonriders of Pern books by Anne McCaffrey
Anything by ABBA (hey, I'm old)
or The Clash (I did have some taste)
or The Manhattan Transfer (I was also odd)
A Benetton rugby shirt
A fountain pen and a wax letter seal with sealing wax (again with the odd)