Friday, April 3, 2009

Define This... Better

a: a feeling or consciousness of one's powers or of reliance on one's circumstances
b: faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way


the quality or state of being certain: certitude

a: a relation of trust or intimacy
b: reliance on another's discretion

Who doesn't love the online Webster's, but sometimes it falls short. 

Do better, you wordsmiths, and be rewarded.

PS: As for the reward: I would send guns and money but since I have neither, I will reward your efforts with praise and thanks and a spot in the Book of which I have spoken. Which as you know is worth more than any gun or any sack of diamonds EVER.

15commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Anonymous said...

Confidence-belief that you have the ability to become, achieve or acquire whatever you want!

DKC said...

Confidence - the ability to stand tall in the face of adversity and fight for what you believe in. Including yourself.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Confidence is the certainty that people are staring at you because you look hot in those low-rise jeans, NOT because your muffin top is visible for all the world to see.

Or is that delusion?

mongoliangirl said...

First, Kristin is FUNNY! I love the term 'muffin tops' almost as much as I love my actual famous pumpkin muffin recipe.
I do not believe confidence is a state of being. I believe it is the result of being in a state of focused devotion to living my own truth.
In other words, I tend to become mighty insecure when I am not flying my own freak flag and flying it high.

cIII said...

-The ability to see through all the Bullshit and persevere.

PandaMom said...

Confidence - the inner strength gained from knowing that your sistas have your back.

Very often, this is exhibited through actions such as drinking Miller Lite from the can without reservation when everyone else is self-consciously sipping chardonnay.

Leslie said...

Confidence = What you lose when mothering teen-age daughters.

TwoBusy said...

Confidence: the soothing delusion that you actually know what you're doing.

For Myself said...

Confidence is leaving the hospital with your brand new first born, even though you feel it should be illegal for you to be a parent.

Confidence is just getting out of bed some days. Particularly in New England in February.

Confidence is writing a diary and leaving it open in a very public spot. Or blogging.

Confidence is writing a book with your friend.

Unknown said...

Okay, so to me confidence is: wearing that great pair of jeans with the high heeled boots, a fab lipgloss and a funky chunky necklace and rocking the hell out of that outfit and knowing that if the need arises I can kick some butt and take some names and look classy and smart while doing it all. Oh yeah, and it has a great theme song too.



WaltzInExile said...

The thing which chronically eludes me, yet everyone else seems to think I have plenty of because they have confused my inner potage of panic, anxiety, and stubbornness with it.

Heather said...

confiança Vertrauen, Zuversicht confidence, trust
subst f confiança [kõfi'ɐ̃sɐ]
1 crença na honestidade de alguém
ter confiança em alguém
2 segurança em si próprio
3 esperança
ter confiança no futuro

I looked up in Portuguese, our other language here at home.

1. belief in the honesty of someone
2. security of your own self
3. hope
to have confidence in the future.

I like #3.

Sometimes other languages have better meanings for words.

Aimee said...

The belief that no matter the ugly things I might face, I too, can kick much a**.

MsPicketToYou said...

confidence: knowing there is no song, no words better than the kindness of friends.

Jen W said...

Um, yeah... what they said ;)

Those are some smart folks you have commenting on your blog Ms. P!