Sunday, April 12, 2009

Oh Sunshine

Once while on a hike through a mountain in Vermont, when it was 90+ degrees in summer, Mr. White (his real name) who was our neighbor at the time and on vacation with us, raised his middle-aged arms and offered a chant to the valley below. Then...

He shivered with a cool chill. 

He taught me how to do it, arms spread out and some secret words, and I swear the cool breeze, it came. He was half bald and half old and known to the 12 year old me as the man with the pretzels on the weekend, but then? That time? My arms spread out and my mouth chanting his words? He was a savior and a magic man and when that cool breeze swept my sweaty lip, I started to believe in something bigger than me.

Sometimes you need to raise your arms up and call for the thing you want.

4commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

notatennisskirtmom said...

I want one of those little robot vacuums and a pedicure. And world peace would be good, too.

Aimee said...

Good Job, Good LSAT many do I get?

Susan said...

I tried it. No glass of chardonnay or clean house appeared.

mongoliangirl said...

Exactly Mizz Picket. Sometimes you just have to do exactly that.