Friday, April 10, 2009

Little Pickets Talk Funny

They like to call the thing that cuts the grass the mowlawner and the thing that washes the clothes the washemclean. Ms. Trout Towers' family are excellent skedoodlers when they need to hurry up and go, and though I am sure it is not just me and she who have abused improved the English language with our wordy inventions, the trend seems to run a bit strong in the family Picket.

Riticklishness was coined by Bridget at age three to explain how fun it is to wrestle. A nogut is what two year old Rory would call the beloved circle of dough she was being denied, as in "I ain't got no nogut!!!??!?!" She is 7 and sort of famous in our family for her really awful English. Twirlies are anything the GFYO can wrap around his fingers in a loving kind of way, and by virtue, nearly anything that feels good and yummy.  

There has also been poopsicles (a tame swear word), ughabummer, and a really awesomely intuitive word invented by the GFYO when he was um tucking it that I will leave to your imagination. And cathletics. You know, the sporty kids who go to CCD. And now that Bridget has email (and all of two people in her address book besides me and the Kid), we've gotten some excellent missives with some excellent new words typed-out.

There was the email that ended in KAPEESH! in all caps which meant (it was explained later) "see you later." And we've gotten what is now my new fave word "wadala.'" It was used in the following way: "i'll do such and such and you'll do such and such and wadala! it's done."

She doesn't speak French obviously, but even if she did, it wouldn't matter. It was long time before I realized Hors d'Ĺ“uvre and orderves were the same thing so it's pretty much in the blood. And speaking of blood, I need to go pick up the pizza as I am starting to get mildly psychoglycemic. Then, wadala -- it'll be done!

7commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Mongolian Girl said...

Wadala! That was fantastical!

A Free Man said...

'Washemclean' is as good a term as anything really. I mean, that is what it does.

Carolyn...Online said...

Wadala! I've always wondered how to type that out. And now I know.

Aimee said...

I'd like to add a word from a bunch of 12 year-old boys in Michigan
swicked! Say it like a surfer. It's a hybrid of sweet and wicked. Swicked! Bad part is, I've been using it lately.
I'm going to also add that when I was little I thought butter pecan was berrbecon.

Leslie said...

I gotta go tell Younger that she's a "Cathletic". It fits her.

Susan said...

I'm always afraid my friend with nut allergies will go into apocalyptic shock when she's at my house.

DKC said...

Sorry this is so late, but just had to chime in and say, "Cathletic" is a new favorite.

I'm going to use it all over the place - and wadala! people will think I'm funny.