Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Your Mother Is Coming Tomorrow

You will head South...

as your mother heads North to the Small Town to take care of the Short Drunks.

You're gonna read some stuff about truth and friendship and blogging and Your Book when you get there. You do not care so much about the thing you have to read (perform?) as that comes easy to you.

You will worry about your soccer thighs, your mouthy self, and if anyone can see just how scared you are...

You will stand in the high heels someone gave you to stand in.
Your mother will rearrange the furniture at your home while you're gone.
You will read something you wrote a year or so ago.
You will read it out loud. Out fucking loud.

Someone will ask you why.

You will answer as your mother might:

"why not?

5commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Cheryl said...

Way to go. Knock 'em dead!

Cindy S. said...

And you will be awesome. You know why? "Because I said so."

justmakingourway said...

You are fabulous. You will be perfect! And if not, well, that's what beer is for.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Good luck, Ms. P. Just remember: Soccer thighs make it easier to stand in those high heels for longer.

Carolyn...Online said...

Yeah but your mom would've have written a haiku.