Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Psycho or Boy?

I am starting to worry about the GFYO. 

Right now he is on the trampoline, and he is jumping on it -- well, at least it looks that way. Wanna know what he's really doing? He's really engaged in his own brand of mortal combat, an epic battle he's been battling for what? three months. Maybe more. 

He hurls himself to the trampoline, his face twisted in pain and the agony of his own defeat: he's been felled again by the invisible (to me at least) hand of some invisible (to me at least) foe. He tries to haul himself up, to make one more heroic rally, but the fates will not have it. He's done for. 

Sometimes he is down long enough for me to think he might in fact, actually, be dead. I count it out to be sure: one one thousand two two thousand and usually by the time I get to five or maybe seven one thousand, he does a slow and creaky yet oddly graceful rise to life. Sometimes he's revived almost instantly (a secret salve perhaps?) (a magic potion?) (a change of plans?), but nearly every time, though weak at first and hand clutching his heart, he starts his Frankensteinish walk back into battle and then POW KAPOW JISH THWOP YEOOOWWW and game on, muthas. Game on.

He does this on the trampoline, on the couch, throughout the kitchen, in the bath, on the potty, in the car, while getting ready for bed, while getting ready to eat, while he's supposed to be cleaning up his toys, when he thinks no one's looking and when he forgets any one's around. He fights these invisible (at least to me) bad guys or whatever they might be...ALL THE TIME.  If the soundtrack to my life is whatever good song I last heard, his is his own voice making animated effects to the battles he imagines.

I grew up in a house of girls. I don't think I said the word penis until I was 28. The GFYO says mama i lovvvveeee you and mama sweet sweet mama and then he kicks the knees out of some villain I can't see.  Normal? 

13commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Carolyn...Online said...

It all sounds normal (to me at least.)

Rachel said...

As a mom of two boys, sister of two other boys, and happily married to another boy, I can say that this epic battle is perfectly normal.

As perfect as boys are.

TwoBusy said...

Absolutely. Epic death scenes are hella fun.

WaltzInExile said...

Not to go all gender correct on you or anything, but I'd have said "Psycho or Four Year old?". But that's just because my four year old who acts like this is a girl. Goat #2 seems to be dramatic-playing out her struggle against the tyranny of all the older bossier people. At least, I think that's what it is. She's the baby, after all. Then again, she could be completely psycho. I don't know how to tell.

cIII said...

If I were 5 or 6, hell, even 7, I'd probly want to be total BFF with the GFYO. He's awesome x10.

And, what's Normal, anyway. I say, it's completely Normal to take a swipe at your Oppressors knees.

"...sweep the leg, Johnny."

Cobra Kai!!

DKC said...

Well, let's not teach him to play dirty, cIII!

My boy does the same - so either they are both normal or both totally crazy. I'm shooting for somewhere in the middle!

TB said...

My favorite fridge magnet says, "The only people who are normal are the ones you don't know very well." Says it all, huh?

for a different kind of girl said...

At least based on what I see in this world of boys that still seems foreign to me. Every day, more than once, I'll find my 7 year old busting kung fu moves on an invicible foe who clearly didn't know what was good for him.

Heather said...

Normal. In fact my girl child does it too, but with fashion. Her hair goes up in two buns on her head and it is Ka - Ra- Te.

Susan said...

Unfortunately, so totally normal. My two youngest have an imaginary, disabled friend. Gawd. Now that? Is not normal.

Nash's Mom said...

Add a few gallons of spit in the process and you have Nash. I laugh looking back at all efforts to avoid violence i.e. no squirt guns or toy swords. Now I'm pretty sure there isn't a weapon that he doesn't have in his arsenal. Oh well. Isn't it nice (and scary) to know you're not alone?

A Free Man said...

Normal boy with an overactive imagination. This will serve him well one day. From a former normal boy with an overactive imagination.

formerly fun said...

At least yours is doing it quietly in his head, of course with gestures. My eight year old has a running audible commentary going on nonstop. Even when no one is around to listen, I can hear him going at it. Occasionally we will be in the car or store or walking and I have to nicely(mostly) tell him that he needs to stop talking out loud, that some things can be things you just think and not say. I know, probably sounds harsh but oy, it often interferes with my internal to do list/running commentary. Though I do appreciate his explosion sound effects.