Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Rite Of Embarrassing Passage

Bridget, who is nine and a feather weight even when holding 15 lb dumb bells and who also converted her tiny closet into an American Girl Doll condominium, had The Movie at school today.

Based on her descriptions of the clothes the girls wore, I am convinced this is the same "hygiene" Movie I saw in the late 70s. I don't remember, though, the theme song she sang for me --which was something like, 

"it's right around the corner/ 
right around the corner!/ 
oh lucky me!/ puuuuubbbbeertyyyy!"
There was some clapping thing involved too, which sounds menstrually cultish, kinda like a Mini Red Tent for 4th graders, but anyway, I don't remember there being a song to accompany the embarrassment and the horror of The Movie when I was a girl grade schooler. 

I do however remember my teacher telling me that if I inserted a tampon incorrectly (um, where? what? insert?), as had once happened to my teacher, I might spontaneously orgasm. That's right: 

I had no idea what that loon was talking about, but it scared me. Honestly, it was a good ten years while later before I realized that what she was talking about wasn't actually a dangerous thing like suddenly catching fire or getting a tapeworm. And then? In 8th grade, when we had the Actual Sex Talk, our (male) teacher showed us a Real Live Diaphragm and I laughed out loud with such force I think my gum is still lodged in the wall of that science room at that school. I am kind of a prude about this stuff.

When Bridget came home with a sample pack of "sanitary napkins" (hrrumph) and a mini sized deodorant, I took a deep breath and tried to shake off my historical puritanism. I said oh-cool-nice-cute (the mini deodorant, as it turns out, is quite adorable) and I tried to act all laid back, tried to channel my inner cool mom. I kicked my feet up on the coffee table -- look! I'm non-chalant! -- while flipping through her paperwork and said, you know most of this stuff, right (because after all, we had already gone there, in the car once, on the way home from soccer, like Oprah advised), but did you learn anything? 

Before I could finish, she said YESSSS! YESSSS I did, and I thought: crap, here it comes. 

Mom, she said, sweat glands look like giant pink tongues and it's deeesgusting and that deodorant smells like Tums!

And she, my brilliant girl, was right yet again: that adorable deodorant did kind of smell like Tums.

She stashed her semi-grown up goody bag in her drawer upstairs, safe for years there until she needs it, and I waited downstairs, aging a little bit more than I do on typical days, waiting for her to come back to me.

12commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

formerly fun said...

Hilarious and gives me a good taste of what's to come. Curious, how does she know what Tums smell like?

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Oh God. Reading things like this makes me GLAD I don't have kids. As I shudder.

DKC said...

I feel like I'm starting a lot of comments lately with, "Oh, man." (Too much Swiper the Fox) But that is exactly how I felt when reading this!

As in: Oh, man I am glad I have many years to go before this particular hurdle is knocking on my door!

Susan said...

I am sure I would have remembered the Menstrual Cult song. Awesome.

for a different kind of girl said...

This post? This post is so delightful that I may have spontaneously orgasmed just from reading it!

Last year, my son came home with a mini Old Spice deodarant. Puberty is totally sponsored these days.

Mongolian Girl said...

Mizz Picket, seriously, do you have to discuss inserting a tampon incorrectly causing spontaneous orgasm? You know I'm going to be talking about that.

Carolyn...Online said...

Your teacher SAID THAT?! OUT LOUD!? Was she drinking? Oh my lord.

Was the deoderant Teen Spirit? Because I think that one smells like cheap strawberry candy.

RhoRho said...

I admit I'm a sucky blogger lately, and I just noticed I lost my prestigious spot on Ms P's blogroll!:( Did I drunk-comment something bad??

Jen W said...

Gah!!! I'm dreading that time!

For Myself said...

You did GREAT, Mama!! You are cool as a cucumber...phew!

And, um, here's the deal-ee-oh:
I need to know how to do that incorrect insertion thing. I think that could come in handy for a girl, right? AM I RIGHT?

TwoBusy said...

(remembering being a boy during these long-ago, secretive boys-only/girl-only lectures, and wondering just what the hell was going on in the other room.)

A Free Man said...

1. I'm glad I have a boy. I can handle boy stuff.

2. We didn't even get the hygiene film in the mid 1980's South. Were just kind of left to work it out ourselves. I was loathe to talk about personal things with my parents (as apparently they were with me), so I had to sort it all out myself. Be grateful for the hygiene film!