Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Soft Ball

There is a soft ball between me and the Kid.

I don't ask outright what's going on with him. I don't even sling low rising pitches his way to see if he'll strike.

He is an athlete: he loves nets and goals. He likes scoreboards and winning and pats on the back and trophies and I do too. 

But lately, I just serve up puff balls.

(I am a supportive wife after all.)

Trouble is, he knows my pitches and that I generally strike every time. 

Sometimes -- gasp -- I throw the game.

4commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Lipstick Jungle said...

I hope your puff balls gain some air and make it to his nets a little more often then not!

Chin up!

(ps - I miss you!)

Carolyn...Online said...

Why can't I see the picture you've posted in here? I bet it's a link to a YouTube video of a band. But I will never know.

Nothing wrong with throwing the game. Maybe he could get a trophy too, just for trying.

DKC said...

Here is where I would throw in some sports metaphor...except I was never good at sports. Damn. You're a good Mom, you know that?

Heather said...

Best of luck and wishes.