Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Back in the way back day, when we lived in the house on the water, my dad had a bullhorn. I think he got it as a present, but then again, I wouldn't be surprised if he actually picked it up himself at the local hardware store that also sold really nice and preppy tote bags. I miss that place. 

Anyhoo, back in the way back day, our house was affectionately known in the summers as Camp MyLastName because there was always some combination of me and my sisters friends there, hanging out, uninvited but welcome. There was a little power boat and a little sail boat and coolers that never seemed to empty of cheap beers in cans. My sisters friends who were post-collegiate would read the New York Times and eat lobster rolls and nurse hangovers. My friends, teenagers then, were just grateful to be included. And drink cheap beer in cans without punishment. (I mean, we were almost 18 and the law hadn't been 21 that long.) It was the 80s and I felt pretty untouchable and lucky. Life was kind of good but with a really, really bad soundtrack.

So my dad played nothing but Willie Nelson or Johnny Cash or sometimes Bonnie Raitt. And he had his bullhorn.

While the rest of us lounged in beach chairs all over the lawn, little groups of chatters or readers or hangers on, he would sit in the shade of a weeping cherry tree, invisible to the boats passing by. And he would hit the button on the bullhorn and rate each machine passing by. 

A cigarette boat with a name like Honey Titz would get a blaring "FOOOOOUUUURRR!" but a Hinckley would hear "You My Friend Get a Ten." He would also comment on other things: "Stop Kissing!" he would bellow, "More Sunscreen" he might shout and the ever popular "SLOW DOWN!!!!" which was the only embarrassing holler we would all participate in. 

It was mortifying but also pretty freaking funny and none of us ever budged from our chairs even as we cringed in them. When my boyfriend would dock his boat to hang out, my dad would critique the entire exercise for all the harbor to hear. I'm really surprised that boyfriend ever came back. But then again, there were those coolers... 

I'm not sure what had me thinking about that today, since it's wet and cold and windy and I can't even remember summer. I think it's the nostalgia of the season: holidays past and whatnot. And my dad's in Italy, where's he'll be through Christmas, just like last year and I doubt he plays around with a bullhorn anymore. 

I think I should get one and hide out in an upstairs street-facing bedroom and heckle all the kids walking home from school. "Where's your helmet?" I might say, or "Do your homework first thing" or the ever popular "SLOW DOWN!" 

I am nothing if not a lover of tradition.

14commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Anonymous said...

My husband just asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I SO KNOW WHAT TO TELL HIM NOW.

For Myself said...

I'm going to use mine inside the house. At my kids.
and lastly...

Lipstick Jungle said...

I want one now too!

I too would use mine inside the house. Whilst under the fanning frawns of palm, I would beller out "bring mom more wine", "bring mom more grapes", "bring mom a fluffier pillow and some cheese".

(slaps self back to reality.)

I want one too!

Anonymous said...

I'm still bowled over by the thought of that cigarette boat. Man, the 80s were a dark time.

Leslie said...

I picture myself bellowing down the stairs into the basement, "Hey!! You. Sasquatch! You aren't touching my girl, are you?"

A Free Man said...

"So my dad played nothing but Willie Nelson or Johnny Cash or sometimes Bonnie Raitt."

I'm going to go ahead and take issue with your assertion that this would make a bad soundtrack to life. I mean Cash and Nelson alone pretty much cover everything that needs to be covered - love, lost love, murder. What more do you want?

Kristin @ Going Country said...

What a fantastic holiday tradition. Perhaps I should hang out of my upstairs window and critique the family's parking jobs on our lawn tomorrow.

Nah, too cold.

MsPicketToYou said...

Chiming in to clear something up: the soundtrack on the RADIO was bad. Which is why my dad cranked the cassettes of Cash, etc., on the boombox. I consider those guys to be the bedrock of any decent music collection.

OK. Glad I could straighten that out.

Back to the bullhorn...

Jen W said...

If there was such a thing as time travel, your house, at that time, with your dad and his bullhorn would definitely be one of my first stops!

Anonymous said...

I love your dad. And I'm quite sure it would not surprise you that I actually own and use a megaphone. I like to use it first thing in the morning from the end of our bed to say to my hubz, "G'mornin' babe! You're hot layin' there with your mouth wide open and underwear ass hangin' out of the covers! Coffee?"

Carolyn...Online said...

I mean really!? Could you have had a cooler childhood? I'm hitching a ride in Jen W's time machine.

It's nice that you remember the good stuff.

Deeples said...

Ahh... just remembering TANNING is nice.

Back when we could slather on the 0 SPF Hawaiian Tropic oil and just bake our brains out.

I still speak fondly of how my senior year I accidently got tan lines right before prom (and I had off the shoulder dress) and I laid out all weekend with Crisco on the tan lines to darken them.



Anonymous said...

I agree with Deeples. Ignorance is bliss. Now there's so much guilt associated with laying out. Sucks!

Anonymous said...

I think you should buy a bullhorn and start crank-calling your dad in Italy. Just leave him random voicemails that go, "SLOW DOWN!" "FOOURRR!" and see if he ever picks up on it. I love it!