Sunday, February 15, 2009


It's February break. A week in the middle of winter when educators are not educating our children. When they dispel us New England Small Towners to our own devices -- a private plane to Florida maybe? a ski house "up North"?  Yes and Yes for some and also, um, not so much for lots of others.

We once rented a ski place, me and my sister. We dug out the driveway with our kids because the husbands had to work (at last minute) and found our way into this rather lovely house with a lovely view and it was divine. But my sister abhors skiing (it is very, very hard to smoke while skiing; I know this my own self) but she loves the GFYO (who was the GTYO at the time) so all in all, it worked out.  I wish she and me were there right now, waiting on the dudes to come (which they always do), tending to extremely sleepy-from-skiing kids who are so easy to put to bed, and skipping our own dinner for a feast of Fritos and beer and delicious chat instead.  

We had good intentions to repeat it this year actually -- booked a place at my old mountain that would fit all ten of us -- and started thinking about who would cook what and when. And then? And then, we started (separately) to worry: we should save! we should spend! we should save! we should spend! And as if picking petals off a daisy... 

Well, we're both home this week. She's two states away, sadly, and there is only so much beer drinking and chip eating you can do over the phone (though, we are EXPERTS at both -- especially over the phone), and we're starting to see grass in the yard here, so even sledding is out.

So, that's right folks, I'll be here all week. Be kind to your waitress.

And buy me a drink.

15commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Susan said...

Trying to remember how many states are between my sister and me and realizing I need a geography lesson. Does Delaware count?

Lipstick Jungle said...

Can I tip my waitress with more beers?

If so, have one on me!

Hope your staycation does wonders on your wallet. If you find any extra after the week, be kind to your customer and send some my way!


Anonymous said...

Oh this e.c.o.n.o.m.y.
Hope you get giddy with too many Fritos.

For Myself said...

Riiiiing. Riiiiing.

Hello, YMCA? Um, hi. It's Ms. Picket. Is it okay for me to send my kids into your new pool and sit and chat with my friend Susie for four hours while we watch them through that giant glass wall? It IS?? And you have internet connection there too? Even if they want to come out of the pool we can make them stay? Alright super. Thanks! Buh-bye now!

Kristin @ Going Country said...

I hope you have lots of Fritos on hand. And beer. Even if you can't have your sister.

RhoRho said...

You're so lucky to have a sister who isn't 16 years older than you and doesn't despise you:(

Anonymous said...

A conversation in our car about an hour ago...

5yo son: "What's a vacation?"

Wife: "Something other people do."


Major Bedhead said...

I'm so not looking forward to this week. Funds are always short and tempers even shorter so what I envision as a fun-filled day out with the girls turns into a whine fest.

But it's only Monday so I may be borrowing trouble. Maybe it won't be as bad as I'm fearing.

A Free Man said...

A midwinter week off is just wrong if you've got nowhere to go. Try to stay sane...

Anonymous said...

I envy you. What I wouldn't give to cuddle up under a blanket and watch Oprah and cheesy soap operas while eating a big bowl of Ramen.

Staycation it up, sister!

for a different kind of girl said...

I hushed my oldest son the other day when he brought up a trip we took to DisneyWorld years ago when he was younger, all, "Ixnay on the vacationay talk, kapeesh!?" and casually pointed my fork toward his younger brother, who has never experienced a vacation more exotic than Missouri.

Jen W said...

Tough times call for drastic measures- like no skiing and chip eating/beer drinking over the phone. I feel your pain. I think we all do, sadly.

Leslie said...

Our vaca concession this year? My sister-in-law (one that I like) found us a FREE ski condo. At that price, we can go. Yippee!!!

Sorry. Not trying to make you feel bad, but I'm feeling the need for cold speed. Soon. Mid-March is far too far away.

bernthis said...

It's scary with the economy the way it is and probably will be for a while. Sorry you didn't get to go but I think it was a smart move. I'm dying over here, that I can tell you

Carolyn...Online said...

I wish you and your sister had gone. Chip eating is so much better in a group setting.