Monday, February 1, 2010

Wii Means Family Fun, and Other Lies

One of the upsides of being sick with a contagious illness is that everyone in your house will leave you alone... well, at least for 45 to 90 minute intervals which is a veritable spa vacation, you feel me? Actually, please don't feel me. It might hurt...

Anyhoo, the Kid did a stand-up job as nursemaid and kid-deflector this Mid Winter Weekend of My Discontent. He had the Short Drunks out of the house for hours and they had so much fun, I'm pretty sure they wish I would stay feverish forever. But while the off-campus adventures were superlative in every way, the at-home Daddy Fun Times (aka: leave your mom alone, please) were a tad troubled. And I blame it all on the Wii.

Oh dear dear Wii: you promise such family fun, but you lie like Picket in her bed with strep throat. You are interactive, yes, that's true, but not in the way you advertise. Exhibit A:

The GFYO: I didn't even make my guy do that. WHY DID MY GUY DO THAT?
The Kid: I dunno. Just keep going -- ahhyahbooyyy...SCORE!
The GFYO: No, not fair. My things not working, it's not work--
The Kid: It IS working. Keep trying.
The GFYO: Daddy! Stop doing that!
The Kid: But that's how we play.
The GFYO: ^%&^%)#jsoihfsuydfw er, arghhjh!
The Kid: What? Stop yelling at me.
The GFYO: I hate this stupid thing. My guy won't work.
The Kid: I'm not gonna play with you if you keep yell -- YES! Score.
The GFYO: Wait? How--
The Kid: Look, look -- you have it now. Hit the A button, A, the A Button! A, A, A!
The GFYO: Yesss.... Take that, suckah. I rule.
The Kid: Atta boy!
The GFYO: Don't be mean!
The Kid: Huh?
The GFYO: I am not a bad boy!
The Kid: I said "at-a-boy" like "sweet job" and... and... The Kid scores again!
The GFYO: Aahgrjhgjhgsjfjk!!
The Kid: It was a mistake! I swear. Please stop yelling, please.
The GFYO, hurling controller: I quit.
The Kid: Oh, c'mon. Wanna play tennis instead?
The GFYO: Okay.
The Kid: Let's go, John McEnroe.

6commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Carolyn...Online said...

Oh my god, our Wii controller is posessed too.

The Floydster said...

You're sick and you still posted! Good for you. I posted too, like I promised. Thanks again for the inspiration.

justmakingourway said...

We get through three frames of bowling and if I'm winning? The Wonderboy makes us play something else. What a bad loser he is. Wonder where he learned that?

for a different kind of girl said...

The GFYO and I have a hauntingly similiar Wii playing technique.

Kevin McKeever said...

I've yet to defeat Thing 1 in boxing. Damn you, Wii!

Then I kick both Things butts in Mario Karts, something I never do on Nintendo DS. I love you, Wii.

Heather said...

We won't get a Wii. Boy has an xbox 360. Parents can ignore and not play. Also I hate the idea of Wii as 'exercise.'