Saturday, March 28, 2009

Creature of Habit

A few morning ago, while The Kid, waited for me to shower and put on my stockings and high heels wake up, I realized how different things will be with him around all the time. And by different I mean, oh crap: things are going to be very different with him around all the time.

For instance, I can no longer race around the house 15 minutes before he comes home to clean up the chaos and pretend it has been under control all day. I can not say "oh christ fractions again?" and instead will have to say things like "awesome! i love math! learning numerators is the most fun fun fun ever ever EVER." I will have no excuse for not making dinner or not making a meeting or not going to book group: he will always be home on time. 

It has its upsides naturally because we all dig having him around, don't get me wrong, but there are downsides to changing my frickin' routine and the biggest one is that I hate changing my frickin' routine. EVER. Look up "creature of habit" and there's a small picture of Picket surrounded by her many vices and a Swiss-made clock to keep things humming along.

Oh! And the blog thing? I had a ritual with that too...

But here it is Saturday night at 7, a few minutes before friends come for dinner, and he's in the shower and the Short Drunk People are playing Spit in the background (and generally, messing up the house I just cleaned), so it's almost like a weeknight when every thing's done and squared away and he's not "here" yet, and so, you know -- time to get my blog on. Tick, tick.

My hands are my moving and my brain is humming and getting all thinky but it's...Different. It feels right and yet, so so wrong.

Among my long list of habits to break (ie: the Real World, ice coffee and ice-chewing), I guess I'll need to add writing during the dull roar of the end of the day to the list because lately it has been less dull and more "DADDY'S HERE YEEHAH!" I am keeping the ice coffee, gallons of it, as it is the only hope that my fingers might hit the right keys before noon and it looks like that's what I'm gonna have to do. 

Before noon! Getting thinky! Eeek!

13commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Leslie said...

Here's a big "UGH" for you. I hate it when people mess with my plans for me. Yet I have confidence in your plan to be thinky before noon.

TwoBusy said...

Time to start mapping out which rooms you want him to repaint. Keeps him busy/segregated to specific parts of the house/out of your hair for hours at a time.

(Don't ask me where I got that idea.)

DKC said...

We had a big readjustment period when my husband went from working restaurant hours to more normal hours. It totally mucked with my system for awhile. But in the long run it was more, "Daddy, Yeah!" then not.

Good luck with the thinky morning thing...

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Can you keep a secret, Ms. P.? My husband might be around a lot more soon. You know, when he quits his job, which is looking like a very near-future kind of thing. And then he'll be HERE, at the HOUSE, during what should be my ALONE TIME, and I'll be forced to spend my weekdays doing the things that used to only be reserved for weekends, like putting up fence and building things and workworkworkworking.

I don't know if I can handle this.

for a different kind of girl said...

Every once in awhile, Tool Man is home during the days one or two days a week, which is awesome, except WTH? They always seem to be the days I have off, too, which...ok....doesn't work out so well! I used to work, work, work with my day off as my goal, and now? Now? Now I need to rethink things.

(Only good thing so far? I've been able to sleep in on school days. I'll try to think of more.)

Unknown said...

Well, if your luck runs like mine, you will get to the point where your schedule has been sufficiently adjusted and you're in a new groove and the swiss clock is once again working for you... and he'll be into a new job and gone all day again before you can say "Keep your mits off my iced coffee, bub!"

Jen W said...

1) I have tried on many occasions to "quit" the Real World unsuccessfully.

2) Since my husband is a teacher, he has summers off. This means every June we have a "readjustment" of sorts. But I suspect after a week or two, you will find you have found your new normal.

Heather said...

When my husband opened his own business from home we had a long, slow, and not yet complete, transfer of responsibilities. Lists became important.

Nash's Mom said...

I hear you, sister. It took a few weeks (or months??) to get used to having the hubby around 24/7 after he lost his NY job last summer. I still miss my nights all to myself watching girly shows, snore-free nights, and only having to clean up that one night before he was due home.

I'm ready to make a break for it if you need to escape for a girly night out. You know the number and we both have sitters.....

Kevin McKeever said...

It's disturbing when our private worlds are invaded ... by our spouses, huh?

Aimee said...

It can be frustrating when your habits get messed with. I have a habit of leaving for work a little early and stopping for a treat like gum, soda, red bull...(I'm 8 mentally) and when Aaron is around I never get to do that. While I enjoy him around, it makes me a little wonky to have to change. Thinky before noon? I cringe at the thought!

Carolyn...Online said...

Oh man. I've got two words for you: Laptop & Starbuck's.

A Free Man said...

I hate change more than pretty much anything else in the world. It took me a long time to realize that there was such a thing as good change. I still think it could be a scam.