Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dinner Party

I have two choices (thanks to Carolyn Online): to tell the story how it was or how I remember it.

There is the version that has me blonde and red-cheeked, a rowdy upstart in a crowd of maniacal heavy drinkers and yarn spinners.

There is the version where the parents are outsider-insiders on a fast track, globetrotting, telling political jokes and throwing long dinner parties with unusual food.

No matter the story I tell, it's just an IDEA of what happened. It's just a fantasy of what was.

It is my anti-memoir. And it's coming.

In the meantime, here's the table for the dinner party I had tonight:

It was pretty, but please note how your girl stayed true to herself --

Can you find it?

6commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Miller Lite? Way to keep it real. Your table looks very Martha Stewart-y. I love the placemats. But you can't say you had a dinner party and then not tell us what food you had!

Jen W said...

Don't fix it if it ain't broke, is what I always say. If the Miller Lite is working for you, then I say go with it!

Heather said...

Hey! We make that brew in my fine state! Way to go!

Kevin McKeever said...

Did you finish the wine before the Miller Lite or were you doing chasers?

Anonymous said...

Come'on now, I think you shed a smile or two? Was it that bad?

You forget to mention that the flowers were from your garden!

MsPicketToYou said...

MamaZyd -- Of course it was fun! But I think this picture was taken um, after midnight, so I was probably a little um, sleepy.