Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Who You Calling Scaredy Cat?

When I say that I pretty much never lock my doors and sometimes leave at least one wide open (all night), I hope you will not consider this a Small Town cliche. To prove it, I'll add that I have lost all the keys to the house (except for the one to the basement door, which is more like a gateway to spiderwebbed hell) so even if I wanted too, I couldn't lock the doors. Unless I was inside all of them. Or wanted to get back inside through the gateway to hell.

But in the interest of avoiding a home invasion nerve-raddled freak out while 3v1 solo, I have taken to locking the doors at night. Locking 'em. Double-checking 'em. Leaving lights on. Don't lock anything at all during the day which is really pretty stoopid since the bad guys probably come right on in while I'm out and are currently hiding in the basement as I type. (Oh good god: did I just say that out loud? Think happy thought, think happy thoughts.) (Duh. Why would would anyone spend any more than one or two minutes down there in hell with the spiders and one stinkin' lightbulb and ten years worth of crap.) (See? All better now.)

So last night, while I had one child in my bed, two others in another bed down the hall, and me all happy with my Vanity Fair, everything quiet and cozy and tucked away, I heard voices. Loud voices. A man and a woman. Talking. IN MY HOUSE. 

I reached for my home defense mechanism phone and shushed my thumping heart to listen. I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP, I shouted to myself, silently, THERE ARE PEOPLE -- TALKING -- IN MY HOUSE! 

I do a weird tip-toe/run type of thing down the hall to get the two other kids and figure I will drag them back to my room by their hair since they sleep like frickin' logs and I can no longer carry them.  And then I will barricade the door (with what? a table? Vanity Fair? piles of laundry? oh my god oh my god) and then I will call the police and open the windows and scream for my neighbors. But not wishing to scare them, I spend 2.5 seconds wondering what I might scream and think is "oh yoo hoo, oh yoo hoo, neighbors? hellooooo? good evening? THERE ARE SCARY BAD PEOPLE IN MY HOUSE! WAKE THE EFF UP AND COME AND SAVE US ALL!"

And while hovering over the children wondering ala Sophie's Choice which one to save first, I hear the words "flat iron." Wha? Did the home invader just say "flat iron"? As in flat freaking iron that I use to burn my neck get all prettified? 

I stand up. My hearts returns to a regular rhythm. I am listening to an infomercial that is blaring from the TV in the playroom. Naturally, I have the only reaction required at a time like that and no, not the one where I wonder why a couple of robbers are watching hair product infomercials in my playroom, but the other one: I.just.get.pissed. 

I stomped downstairs, slammed the off button on the machine, and flipped the bird at the neighbor across the street who clearly has some kind of rogue remote control, the kind that is heart attack inducing at midnight. I returned to my warm, child-filled bed and got back to reading about Tina Fey and what she considers to be her "big ass."

I shoved the lump over to the other side (I love her but please), heard some sleepy kid sighs from the other room, turned off the light, and realized how very little of my amazing incredibly brave heroism these kids will ever know. 

18commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

For Myself said...

Blocking the door with piles of laundry in a panic-stricken attempt to escape bad guys is one of the funniest images I've ever read. You made me laugh. Hard.

But, wait. The neighbor's remote turned on your tv? That's kinda weird, no?

Carolyn...Online said...

You are very very brave.

Time to TP the neighbor's house.

Carolyn...Online said...

You are very very brave.

Time to TP the neighbor's house.

Enchanted said...

That is very scary!
I am so glad that you figured out what was happening before you called the police. Or, maybe not. That would have been an even funnier story.
Does the neighbor know that they can work your tv with their remote? It remindes me of the time when a friend was visiting me and my tv kept changing stations and I couldn't figure out why. It turned out that she had her remote in her purse and everytime she leaned forward it would change the station! Turned out she had taken it to get back at her husband for something. Didn't really say why.

for a different kind of girl said...

As I started to read this post, on Day 2 without my Quasi-Protector home with me, I debated stopping and coming back when my husband was home because OMG, I do not need to be scared when I go to bed tonight and I can't move! I'm already a bit freaked out because I just opened up the door to the garage, to see if the garage door was shut (it was not!!) and I saw one shovel bouncing on the wall. ONE. And there was no wind! I pray to God there's no one already laying in wait for me!

Anyway, I'm going to flip off your neighbor, too, just in case it helps me out, too!

Anonymous said...

We never lock up. When Hellbilly is gone you would think there's a war going. I even let something like 240 pounds of dogs sleep in the bed sometimes. But, you know, I'm a complete bad ass when he's home. Tire iron and all. Yeah, riiiiiight.

♥ Braja said...

LOL...know the feeling. Not the TV bit, I don't have one. But the doors open all day and locking at night, thinking "i wonder if they're in here already..." Well, I used to. The answer now is "No," because they wouldn't do it here...I'd kill 'em first and they know it :)))

Thank you for your lovely comment on my post...I think you meant Pushpa is lovely :)

MereCat said...

What's up with that remote control out-of-bounds-maneuver? How roood!

RhoRho said...

K, if you don't live in Canada, you have to lock your doors, capiche?sp? Vanity Fair, Sophie's Choice? This is the funniest shit you've written. Had me on the edge o my seat. Er, couch.

RhoRho said...

BTW: glad you dig my music! I know sweet Jason is all mainstream but, really, I don't have time for anything else. Unless it's just...old. Click on it and get yo self a playlist!

The Floydster said...

Dang, Girl ~ this is hysterical (now that I know it all ended well.) You are a gifted writer!

A Free Man said...

Reason number 6,619 to hate the damn television. Or your neighbors.

Anonymous said...

"Why would anyone spend more than 1-2 minutes in that spider hell?" = creepy question.

"Because monsters enjoy the company of spiders" = creepier answer.

(Sorry. This is why I'm not allowed around people anymore.)

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Lock . . . doors?

A foreign concept.

But three cheers for Ms. P. and her willingness to drag her children by the hair to save them!

Miss Yvonne said...

LOL at the Sophie's Choice comment. Classic!

I've had moments like this. One night, I'm home alone in bed reading. My cats are there with me, all snuggled up and sleeping. Out of nowhere, they both jerk awake and stare creepily out into the dark family room with their ears back and their fur standing up. So now I'm thinking I've got scary people in masks ala that Strangers movie hiding in my house.

Turns out it was the ice maker turning on in the kitchen. Damn you, ice maker!

Jen W said...

Yeah, I would have peed myself probably.

And a word of caution to you, don't watch the movie The Strangers. Just...don't.

Samantha said...

Oh its the midnight flatiron bandits, they tried to get mine last week. i totally forgot to warn you!

Thats life in the hood!

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