Monday, September 29, 2008

Why Everything In My House Is Destroyed

It was a Come to Jesus weekend in the House of Picket.

And while prayer may (or may not) have been involved, I invoke the saying because it sounds much sweeter than admitting that the Kid and me shouted and chest-thumped our way through the last coupla days -- a rainy bunch of days; a deluge, in fact -- over the kids' (in the Kid's words) "lack of respect for our home" and their trashing-of-it ways. A meeting commenced early Sunday night. A huddle was had. A speech was made.

Good times.

When B first tagged an armoire with her toddler scribble, we reacted with typical dismay horror pride: what an artist we have, such a genius, and also what wonderful, creative parents we are, we who supplied the crayons and (apparently) do not hover. That's the excellent domain of newbie parents: to consider everything the offspring does with nothing but stupified adoration. (Dear Newbie Parents: it fades.)

Now, the bookcases in what was once the office and is now the playroom are detailed with either brown marker or brownie mix -- I'm not sure. Now, the cabinets in the kitchen (a mere four years old) are dented and gouged from someone's good idea to ride the scooter inside. (OK: it was me. But it's that cool scooter, the Powerwing, which I could steer but NO ONE ELSE COULD.) Now, the couches are not so much comfy spots to sit in but instead devastated lumps, former pommel horses or uneven bars or ships or forts or platters for Play Doh.

(I do not have a room in my house where kids aren't allowed. I do have rules about food and where it should be eaten, but I bend those rules from time to time, if it serves me -- like this week, while The Kid's gone and we have no school for two days. I have an accessible cabinet filled with nothing but paper and art supplies and I do not lock it. I like kids to get messy; I believe in the goodness of messy.)

But for the love of all that has been paid for and more importantly earned, is it too much to ask of that no one vaults over the freakin' couch? Because vaulting over the couch leads to landing on the antique chest/coffee table that though not valuable has meaning? And means that the couch will become increasingly unstable and unhinged and unsuitable? So is leaving it alone, just sitting your ass onto it -- IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK, SHORT DRUNK PEOPLE?

So the speech was delivered by The Kid. He meant it. He was serious. He wasn't taking your shit and he didn't care that you wanted to do something else. You would listen. And you would look him the eye. And you did, because his voice his deeper than your Mom's and also when he stands up, it's almost like his head touches the ceiling (which is not so true of your Mom.)

But today? Today, when you ran the entire stretch of the house, took a running leap and flung yourself into the air over the arm of the couch -- with a MARKER in your hand - and then answered my question -- which was DO YOU NOT REMEMBER WHAT DADDY SAID LAST NIGHT?!?!? -- from your huddled perch on the bare wood floor where you fell, with the obvious reply that Daddy isn't here....

Well, I'm sorry that I laughed for those couple of seconds because I shouldn't have because Daddy is right and also, I'm sorry, so so sorry that I find these shenanigans in any way funny because I really, really need to stick with the plan, which is a good plan and the right plan. And my back hurts from that crap couch (which I keep writing as "coach" which is probably Freudian) so here's your grilled cheese and carrots: go eat dinner in the playroom tonight, there's no school tomorrow and I need to write this down.

Also, PS: daddy gets a kick out of it sometimes too. Trust me.

21commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Jen W said...

My kids totally know they can steamroll me if they catch any glimpse of me cracking a smile at their shananagans (sp?). I need a better poker face.

For Myself said...

Oh sister, how I feel your pain tonight...
The leaping, skidding, twirling, thumping, scratching, hammering, sketching, building, crumb-dropping, pudding smearing and loudly screaming kids are ruining my damn castle!!!
Off with their heads I say! Or at least bring me an effing maid...

kidsworld said...

Thank you for reminding me that many are going thru the same frustration of magazine perfect vs real (happy, laid back) life. Just today I researched the internet for solutions to remove ink pen (lots of it "Picasso-like") from our new sectional thanks to the shortest guy. We had our own "come to jesus" talk on Sunday. I tend to find things less funny than my hubby, but we do enjoy laughing later while the kids are in time out for said crimes! Thanks again for keeping it real!

patty said...

You know, the world is going to hell in a handbasket. And me? I was wondering tonight "Where's that Picket girl?"

Good to see you.

Amy said...

Why is there so little school and did you have alcohol out whilst making said grilled cheese's? I believe that's the important question.

Anonymous said...

I admit I would have laughed about the valuting-with-marker-in-hand thing too. When my nephew lived with me he was in the habit of doing flips off of the couch. It took slamming into the coffee for him to stop. Nothing. I repeat - nothing I had said about it would make it end. Now he's 14 and might listen if I said something about it. OK...not really.

Heather said...

Now I want a grilled cheese sandwich and to come and color on your furniture.

We have the same problem here. I have no answers, but, I want to lend a "here, here" to the comment to the newbie parents.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

If only I could give such a speech to my dogs so they would stop getting up on the furniture. Well, I guess I could, but they would probably pay about as much attention to it as your kids.

Do you like how I just compared your kids to my dogs. Smooth, Kristin, very smooth.

cIII said...

Tell your Kids to quit riding my Ottoman across the floor like it was a gol-damned Lambo.
That would be my Kids.
And don't, don't get me Started on Furnature Gymnastics. Although, one can hold a Headstand for-ev-a on a LoveSeat. Then Round-Off onto the Couch.
I give it a 7.5. Only 'cause teh Dismount was a bit Sloppy.

Lipstick Jungle said...

OMG - I think I just pee'd a little!

If only I could get my husband to make those (or at least express my) rules I may actually adore him a little (you know, because lately that thorn has been firmly planted in my side). But he is AS bad if not WORSE.

We had the whole inside our house painted three years ago in fantastic multi colors (that I am already sick of, but that is not my point). Not ONE day after we paid the bill did my son, the one I really adore, took a marker and ran up and down and up and down and up and down the entire hallway making "train tracks" on my newly painted walls. And then to make sure his point got across ok, he went to the little space next to the door and scribbled - you know, just to be a boy.

My point? My husband thought it was "cute". So I told him to clean up the cuteness and redeem himself as my life partner. He told me he would. Three years later, it is still on the wall, and I REFUSE to clean it up when he thought it was funny, and I quite frankly did not.

And I am really tired so I am rambling.

I digress.

But seriously? The scooter and the falling on the ass (hence missing the couch I assume) made me giggle endlessly!

Carolyn...Online said...

I wish when I was trying so hard to be strict mommy who follows the rules laid out by strict daddy that I didn't blow it by laughing at them.

Leslie said...

I am the bitch in our house.

Car-man doesn't laugh. He just gives a big huff, stomps across the house and cleans up whatever they've done.

I, on the other hand, have a tendnecy to shout until they do it themselves. He prefers things quiet and clean. I always think I'm going to teach them to do it themselves but usually just end up yelling, pointlessly. Ugh.

None of us have it perfect, do we?

Rassles said...

As a rule, I find most parent blogs annoying.

But definitely not yours.

MereCat said...

heh heh. That's what makes having kids fun, though, right?

Samantha said...

its so true.

Susan said...

Newbie parents, beware indeed. You said it perfectly! Can I link to you to tell a similar story?

for a different kind of girl said...

At least you have the brown narrowed down to either brown marker or brownie. That alone should make you feel lucky!

Aimee said...

What I want to know is why my couch smells so bad? And who left the magic markers open all over it so that it's more tie-dyed than brown?

And why my son seems to think the floor is as good as the trash can?
Sigh! I feel you on this post. Also, I kind of like to do back flips off the arm of the couch from time to time...probably more often if it didn't smell so bad.

Meredith said...

The only thing worse than kids using my furniture as gym equipment is when they use my body as gym equipment. My favorite line I only say in my head is:

"What the fuck do I look like, the monkey bars?"

Meg said...

What? No roller blading on those wood floors?

You don't know how lucky you are, girl.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's time for Nanny 911.