Friday, August 15, 2008

Color Blind

The Kid took the day off today, and by "day off" I mean that he didn't check his email during any of the thirty minutes we spent fine dining at the diner for breakfast (solo!) today. And he didn't check it when he was complaining about my driving (which was nice) or when we went to the Amazing Small Town Paint And Decorating store to pick out a new color for our house.

The Kid pulls a major "who knew" when you get him around the decorative arts. Just because he is 6'4" and could pass for a professional hockey player does not mean that he did not pick out our china or once become so obsessed with the house in the Royal Tenenbaum's that he tried to convince me to paint our stairwell pink. (None of this comes as any surprise to me: he told me about three months into our lurve affair that it was the man in me that brought out the woman in him. Which I think he meant as compliment. Which I sort of took as one.) On the flip side, he can seriously manage all sorts of manly stuff, like grilling and bug killing and not listening to one word I am saying whenever he feels like it, but paint colors? Tonalities? Saturation? He is all over that shit.

We've been in the house (our only house, and the longest place I have ever lived anywhere) for ten years. Painted it twice I think -- maybe once, but there was an addition thrown on (literally) (don't ask) (I get panic attacks just thinking about it) four years ago and I can't remember if we painted the whole house then or just the new part (it was blur) (a bad blur) (Ativan! take me away!) (I kid) (sort of) -- but what with the weather in these parts, the house painters are generally very busy. This paint job however will be the first time we're actually changing the color. Because, you know, after ten years of throwing away your children's inheritance at your house, you start to feel like you own the son of a bitch.

But change is scary! Very scary!

Thankfully the Kid had his decorating skirt on today. He and the owner of the Amazing Small Town Paint Store, who also happens to be a friend and a wickedly smart and all kinds of talented person, were definitely communicating on a level that was way over my head. When they saw orange or red or gray, I saw "pretty" or "not so pretty." When they knew beforehand that certain shades of white would change the main color by inexplicable degrees, I was all, wait? is that good? do we want that? When I mentioned that paint colors were like nail polish colors ("tomfoolery" and "stomp" being the house paint versions of "i'm not just a waitress" and "french francs"), no one really laughed. Which was a good thing really, if you think about it. (Not like there's anything wrong with that...)

My mother is an artist, an oil painter. I can barely draw a smiley face. I know what I like, but I do not understand why I like it. And while I can see the various different shades of blue, I do not really see the "red" in the blue that the Kid does, even if I squint my eyes. I am better with black and white and the alphabet, although, considering that he is writer who gets PAID to write, I mean to say that I am better than the GFYO with black and white and the alphabet.

So basically, I am gonna open my ears to what the Pro and the Kid have to say and just close my eyes, point and pick and wing it. And if the house ends up looking like some color blind two-boot wearing oversharey beeyotch picked the colors? Then you will know that I asserted myself way, WAY too much.


Picked the boots. Returned the others. And now I look like this:

Thanks, dudes. Awesome.

14commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

unmitigated me said...

I'm likin' the Wonder Woman vibe of those boots.

patty said...


We picked our exterior paint color by obsessively holding paint chips up against our cat's toes until we found the color that matched.

Ben Moore. Platinum Gray. It only took 6 weeks.

for a different kind of girl said...

The lack of skill my husband and I possess in the painting department can clearly be seen on our walls, which are painted "Olive Fog" (not to be confused with "Just White" but I can't blame you if you see it and think "It Looks Pretty White To Me"). I need a small town pro to splash things up around here!

Manager Mom said...

You're going to want to kill yourself during the painting process, and love the results after. Hopefully.

Carolyn...Online said...

Again with the parallel... Scott picks all the paint colors and I do all the painting. I am the dude to his inner chick.

Lisa said...

It's great that he picks the paint colors...way to take an interest!
I pick the color and when I ask for an opinion I get, "If you like it, I like it."...way to avoid taking an interest!

Meg said...

I pick the paint color and then I pick them again because after I see it on a considerable part of the wall, I change my mind.

Jen W said...

Our house- paint picked and painted by husband.
Our furniture- picked by husband
Our lawn- delicately manicured by husband.
I hear ya on this one!

Anonymous said...

The only time I let my wife pick a room color was for the twins' room (before it became the twins' room) -- she chose a deep shade of red, only to decide (when I was halfway done) that it looked like the walls were bleeding. Which is why that room is now lavender.

I stand with your husband: masculinity and aesthetics need not be mutually exclusive.

Samantha said...

I really could have used The Kids expertise when choosing the colors of my really really didn't work out too well!

Samantha said...
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Aimee said...

Ya, my Dad is an oil painter/photographer/you name it he can do it artist and I cannot draw a heart without having it look effed up.

Kevin McKeever said...

We narrowed it down to six shade of beige than got out the darts b/c anything beat the diarreha green we had before.

Anonymous said...

Let's hope the house doesn't turn out like the costume. :)