Wednesday, August 20, 2008

This Ain't No Disco

The GFYO was invited to a bigger kids birthday party with his sisters. This, I think, has been the highlight of his summer. The whales? They were alright. The Red Sox? Cool. A week at the beach with jellyfish and seals? Not bad. But THIS? A chance to not be left behind like usual, to actually GO to the party?

Funny thing is, he didn't want a party of his own when he was two or when he was three. When he was four, he finally obliged and said "if I must" and then? Well, wonders of wonders: who knew cake and balloons and presents could be so amazing! And now he's downright obsessed with parties. Wants to go to one every day. Thinks every bill that slides through the mail slot is a potential invitation. Dreams about parties. Has become a party animal.

So, when I sent everyone to get changed (not into dresses or anything; I was just looking for clothes that didn't have yogurt stains on them), he attacked the challenge with a motivation I rarely see. About three minutes later the girls had arrived, all presentable-like. About 15 minutes later, the GFYO walked every so delicately down the grand staircase stairs to make his debut.

I think he was going for this look:

But he missed the mark.

Because madras button down + camo cargo pants (in corduroy no less, since it was 80 degrees) + a track suit kind of jacket + red Crocs?

I give it an A for effort GFYO, you dapper little dude, but the hair flip you just performed? That might be a little overkill.

17commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Aimee said...

I've got a mental image...and it reminds me of Baby G thinking he looked really cool in safety glasses, a pink boa and blue rain boots...
Fashion is in the eye of the wearer, yes?

Kristin @ Going Country said...

But does he have a bow tie? Cuz if he doesn't, you should really get him one.

cIII said...

That's exactly what I wore to the office today. Minus the red Crocs. I like flip-flops.

Floaterie said...

hehe--ah yes.

You should see what D wore to a cookout the other night.

I think he actually blinded some guests with that getup.

And the hair flip? Who might he get that from? ;-)

Carolyn...Online said...

Oh my. I love it! I hope you let him wear it. All of it.

Susan said...

Wonderful! My daughter dresses like a rodeo clown. I wish she would take some fashion advice from your dapper man!

Lisa said...

Well you know it 's the shoes that make the outfit!
Please say you didn't make him change...

Meredith said...

I can just imagine the look and I'm giggling out loud.

Totally hear ya with the left out kid who never gets to go to the party. My 5 yr old was so pissed she didn't get to stay at the "Wigs and Heels" party my 10 year old daughter got to go to last week (as was 7 yr old son lol). The two of them are now very sure THEY (yes, the son too) are going to have their own "Wigs and Heels" party on THEIR birthdays and no, the party host from the original will NOT be invited, nor will 10 yr old sister.

It's a damn good thing I'm open minded.

I hope you let him wear it.

unmitigated me said...

At least he wasn't trying to wear his microwave-cleaning outfit.

Nash's Mom said...

If he wasn't all "G", he'd still be getting Nash hand-me-downs. Of course that would involve last weekend's plaid/stripes/checkers combo.... But eventually he would have gotten the skinny jeans, too!

Nash's Mom said...

p.s. WHY was there no photo??

for a different kind of girl said...

He sounds dapper, and dapper dudes rock!

Crocs not so much, but that doesn't mean I'm not wearing them right now. Those damn things are comfy! One must be comfy to party hardcore!

Meg said...

What no boots?

OK, I was scrolling through some comments today when I found this one: Meg, my brilliant Wilco loving incredibly cool mom: find my email and use it.

Umm...did you mean to say 'mom'? Just cause I get mammograms doesn't mean I'm, like, old.

OK. I'm old, but I don't act like it.

Anyway, it was publicly pointed out on my blog today that I misspelled my own name in my email address on my sidebar.

I don't know how to get your email, but you can contact me at:

So just find me--and we'll work on calling each other sistah!!!

Jen W said...

I can totally picture that outfit. I'm sure he looked adorable.

Manager Mom said...

Hee... The Boy has been know to rock much the same look. Business on top, party on the bottom. Same color crocs.

Lipstick Jungle said...

It takes time for perfection! hehehe I hope even if you made him change that you took a quick pic of the masterpiece! We are trying to figure out what to pack for a funeral, and discovered that Jadon's only summer shoes that fit are HULK CROC'S! Um, yeah....

Anonymous said...

Hey, he wouldn't have gone unnoticed, right?