Friday, August 29, 2008

This IS About Politics; or John McCain is Coming For Your Women

(Soapbox underfoot. Loud mouth turned on. Wearing protective clothing to shield tomatoes and/or rocks.)

Sarah Palin, the Hockey mom, former part-time Mayor, newly-elected Governor of Alaska, is John McCain's version of Hillary Clinton's younger sister from a Red State. Felt that ass kiss earlier today, women? That was John McCain pandering to you. That was John McCain thinking outside the box and choosing with his heart as if he NEVER EVEN noticed that she (being a SHE) might appeal to a certain (Hillary) demographic mightily pissed off right now. But John McCain, dude? Pleeeeease brother. Nice try.

Let me say this (she says, dodging arrows and insults): my (ahem) private parts do not push levers in voting booths. Nor does my skin color. And while my brain does not technically slide out of my skull and actually do the deed, it's the only organ that I plan to use, that any one should use, in November.

Words do matter. Vision matters. Ideas, concepts, imagery: it all matters. But it's not all that matters. Even those among us who maybe teared up a little bit last night (just sayin'), we know that (at least I hope we do).

You know what matters? Not bumper stickers or pandering VP choices or nasty ads or powerful speeches. The freakin' Supreme Court is what matters. The Supreme Court.

(Soapbox kicked over. Loud mouth turned off.)

27commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

graham's mom said...

Friggin A right. But, this is going to be a verrrrry interesting few months. Perhaps we should start a campaign: We Don't Vote with Our Vaginas!

Nash's Mom said...

Plus someone should tell that woman that there is a small animal attached to the back of her head....

Carolyn...Online said...

I don't understand how anyone who supported Hillary (and therefore must be on the certain side of the fence with regard to women's rights, gun laws, health care) can get behind Sarah Palin politically. I don't agree with this particular woman's politics so I wouldn't vote for her. Even though I'm sure her ovaries are lovely.

Leslie said...

Amen to the Supreme Court mattering. People do not get that point. I cannot get Car-man to comprehend how important it is.

That said, had this woman been pro-choice or at least silent on the issue, it would have almost been a brillant move by him. Because the Hillary-fans, like my mom, who kinda like McCain because if you look back more than four years ago, when he became GWB's lap-dog, he had a mind of his own and didn't cowtow to his party. And my mom still remembers when she liked him way back when. So it was almost a good move. But not quite good enough. To which I say, thank goodness the Republicans keep pandering to the far-right.

Amy said...

It certainly doesn't surprise me in the least. I believe it could be referred to as, grasping at straws. I'm just sayin'.

Samantha said...

Oy, I can't even express how disappointed i feel ever 4th november when the elections roll around. i highly doubt this is what the founding fathers had in mind when they decided we would all vote for a President... choosing the candidate we "least hate" should not be how it's done.

But what can ya do?

Lipstick Jungle said...

I posted about this this morning. I dont understand how the election became a popularity/celebrity/I can out history you contest.

I mean really... I watched part of last night, and while a good speaker, and an attention grabbing force, I still dont know and understand most of what Obama stands for. He is clear about wanting change - but how is he going to make the change?

On the flip side I have no friggin clue what McCain is doing. He must be thinking with his wifes vagina...

My name is officially on the "clueless and wishing November was over" list.

Oh and for the record, I never would have voted for Hilary - I just really couldnt deal with the Clintons back in the White House. No offense really...

Kristin @ Going Country said...

But she's a former beauty queen! She can do the special wave! AREN'T THESE THINGS IMPORTANT?!

According to MSN, they are. Good Christ.

Susan said...

Well said, sister! You wrote about this so much more effectively than I did. I need to learn to shut up, take a breath, then speak. Good for you!!!!

Lisa said...

I find McCain's choice insulting. Insulting to my intelligence and insulting to my gender.

Ladies and Gentlemen let me introduce to you the next president of the United States...

Barak Obama.

I don't think John McCain really wanted to be president anyway.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Picket – How wise.

McCain is whoring himself out our demographic…(pls. note that I was planning on voting for him – although I don’t always vote the party line – I have been a registered republican for the last 20 years – parents filled out my voter registration card).

I did not see this coming. This is calculated and risky at the same time. I am insulted. I don’t think I can justify voting for him now – additionally, he ruined the start of a well planned gin and tonic soaked Labor Day weekend.

After my tennis match this afternoon my smart partner and I predicted the following: McCain will start smoking menthol cigarettes, tell young talented minds that he is pushing for a massive increase in financial aid to students, and verbally deliver (via an ear piece) a campaign speech in Spanish.

Perhaps his running mate should get busy locating the new republican campaign headquarters in the Northeast: she will look at Newark, NJ; “Southie”, MA and Harlem, NY.

Anonymous said...

It's as if he randomly picked a woman from the bingo hall.

Honey, when I DO vote with my vagina - and I'm not saying I do now - but if I do... it will only be to place a woman in power that is THE BEST REPRESENTATIVE OF THE FEMALES IN THIS COUNTRY.

It will not be a woman who's had more experience arranging her Troll doll collection than running a nation.

MsPicketToYou said...

PS: Kind of kills the whole "experience" debate, no?

Personal to Drew: so, did you win the match or what? And NEVER let a little politics ruin your G&Ts! NEVER!

Meredith said...

As you may have read, or maybe not, I WAS on the fence with Obama. McCain's vagina selection, however, sealed the deal and yes, my choice will be the big "B".

Supreme court, guns, war, gas crisis, mortgage crisis...etc.. not a damn one matters to me if I can't choose what to do with my own freakin' body. It's a deal breaker and there is NOTHING anyone could say or do that will ever change my mind on that one.

I hope that Americans don't show the world how dumb we can be - if not, his election just became an Obama slam dunk. Party line voter here raising her hand.

Anonymous said...

He's just searching to win over Clinton's 18 million voters.

Forget it pal.

We're not that stupid!

Heather said...

Oh, I agree totally. I want to point out one little thing:

She played the flute and won "Miss Congeniality." (in a beauty pageant) I think the Hillary feminists will love that.

Anonymous said...

Well said my friend. In spite of all the rage I felt today, I am comforted that at least women in the blogosphere are pissed and deeply insulted. Everyone should be insulted by this.

Not only is he pandering to an audience neither of them understand, in the event that that old bag dies, he thinks we're "worth" Miss Congeniality? Thanks for throwin' us a bone McCain. Here's hoping the middle of America is as brilliant as the rest of us!

patty said...

CT has those newfangled optical scanners, and therefore no booths.

My vagina is shy like that. And smart enough to defer to my brain.

Major Bedhead said...

Well said, Ms. Picket, as always.

Jen W said...

I'm sure many va jay jay's can perform lots of tricks- voting just isn't one of them.


RhoRho said...

Ugh. I loved the MSNBC behind the McCain deal wher they show what a partying fun crazy skirt-chasin' dude he was - a hundred and ten years ago. Should that sway we drinkin' cussin' types? And now, he's not too much of a Brute to have a chick as his right hand-man? Sorry, man, not buyin' it; she'sa patsy. And she ain't winnin' this election fer ya. it's over, McCain. Retire, get in your Winnebago and spend some a that cash on gas.

Anonymous said...

Just passing through the playground and may not even be qualified to comment on this given the v factor but...

Great post and it really is a very curious choice. I need to learn more about her but sounds like she s very involved in energy and hangs with Charleton Heston..

So we get to chew on the new vp candidates who really don't end up mattering anyhoo....with the exception of increased threats to the first black president (sad but I think true).

We have 2 experienced candidates in the race and they are Biden and McCain. The inexperience on the other 2 concerns me. Still don't have a candidate.

Oh, yeah...and then there is the Supreme Court.

Mr. Anon

Aimee said...

I'm voting with my vagina and my vagina is pro-choice.
And while I don't take issue with Mr. Anon this time...
I just want to point out that McCain is old as dirt so his choice does matter. I mean his chance of falling over dead in the White House is just as high if not higher than someone shooting Obama...just saying.

Manager Mom said...

*sigh* and that's what's going to do it for me.

I will probably get flamed for this but I feel that Obama is a tad too liberal in his fiscal policies... but at the end of the day, this day, this election, I am pretty sure that my decision will be driven by the fact that I CAN'T have republicans picking any more Supreme Court judges.

Aimee said...

Manager Mom you will not get flamed. I am cheering for you.

Anonymous said...

Well said. I hope, and believe, that most of the Hillary folks are smart enough to pick up on a cheap political ploy that wasn't particularly well played. Ployed?

Just stopped by from Ask and You Shall Receive, and wanted to say that I really like your site. Don't know how the review will go, but from a retired AAYSR reviewer, I think you're doing a bang up job.

BabyonBored said...

I don't know what's wrong with you people. Sarah Palin has a son who plays soccer!! What more can you possibly ask for in a president? Do you expect her to know how to run a country? Doesn't anybody realize by now that it's a learn as you go kind of job? Sort of like delivering babies or doing brain surgery. As long as you've seen it on TV and know the lingo a little bit you'll do fine! Go Sarah!