Thursday, August 28, 2008

This is Not About Politics, Really

The GFYO went to work with the Kid today. He packed his bathing suit and two water guns; he is always prepared. The girls left at 9:30 for an all-day birthday party at a theme park. That's right: ALL DAY. So what have I done with all this delicious silence?

I watched tivo'd Convention coverage, that's what I did! Without being interrupted once by an eye-roll or a "yeah right" or an "oh please." And since I was able to rewind and fast-forward, I really learned a lot and came to some very important conclusions regarding this historic event:

People at Conventions wear funny clothes and funnier hats. I don't know why. Do they wear this style of clothing in general or just at political rallies?

As far as the gesture goes, I give the "thumbs up" a major thumbs down. It just looks lame. Go ahead and point at me, I can take it.

And similarly, I think the hand-held microphone is cheesy. Lose it.

I would prefer hand-written signs rather than the mass-produced ones on the sticks. They look so mass-produced and the overall effect is very creepy: we all have the same sign and it's on a stick and we wave it together! Wouldn't a few hand drawn placards with some misspellings and smiley faces add more flare to the whole thing? More joie de vivre? More rugged individualism?

Also, I would like to see The Wave done at least once.

Why is it that all politicians love their mothers? I love my mother, don't get me wrong, but statistically speaking, there have got to be at least a few who really despise the old broad.

Truth is, I don't think the pant suit completely sucks. I think on the right woman it can be very sharp.

The roll call of states is teevee genius and at times incredibly hilarious, kind of like when beauty queens dress like their state's most compelling feature. I think John Adams would be proud. I mean that.

Mostly, the whole dog and pony show is really rather entertaining if you can get over the fact that these are all a bunch of politicians. I'm already popping the pop corn for tonight. But lady with the 83 buttons covering your entire upper torso? The eyes of the world are upon us so let's keep our jackassity to a minimum, OK?

17commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Leslie said...

Stupid travel means I haven't watched a single moment of the coverage and this is the type of shit I usually drool over. However, I CANNOT watch any of it in Car-man's presence or it'll be ugly. We can't do politics nicely.

Nash's Mom said...

Please tell me you were at least naked and drunk. Not that I don't think watching the coverage was the right thing to do with a WHOLE DAY ALONE but I need to know there was more to it than just the DNC. It's much to rare and sacred of an event.....

Carolyn...Online said...

Scott kept making comments under his breath, "Such a crock of shit. So much bullshit. Just telling people what they want to hear..."

I looked at him all wistful, "They had me at *tap tap* 'is this thing on'?"

unmitigated me said...

I'm usually the cynic at our house, but I've been pretty caught up in the race.

Your description of your son reminded me of something I just heard.Husband bought a CD of E.B. White reading Charlotte's Web. In the first chapter is this nugget: Fern's brother Avery came into the kitchen for breakfast. He was heavily armed. It still makes me giggle.

MereCat said...

That's hilarious! I love it. And the thing about "i love my mother," well, it sure wouldn't be a big selling point to call her a bitch, now would it?

Love your editorial! wish I were watching with you!

Lipstick Jungle said...

Im glad I have you to sum it up for me so I can blow it off - again. There are so many other things I would prefer to do - maybe read a good book and call it a night early!

Anonymous said...

This is a completely uncalled-for tangent from your mention of a pantsuit, but I'll use it as an excuse to say that the high point of my day today - and it's not even close - was when I went to my son's Kindergarten orientation and found myself face-to-track suit with a woman wearing a completely irony-free blue velour track suit.


Anonymous said...

Uh, nice that I got to the end of your post and realized I was missing the speech. I ran into the living room and caught the end. Still gave me chills all over.

Anonymous said...

It appears as though all of you ladies in this blogging circle are married to men of another political persuasion. I find that .... statistically significant? Strange, right?

The speeches tonight made me weep.
Michelle is class from head to toe.

When Barack said, "I want my daughters to make the same wage your sons make" I clapped aloud, alone, in my studio for a hobbit.

Such an amazing historical night.

And as a heads up, WHEN he wins, each and every one of you is free to crash at my pad and huddle in the snow on the steps of the capitol to watch inauguration on Jan. 20th.

Meredith said...

Nobody loved their mother more than Bill Clinton.

What gives with all of these Republican spouses? Times like these I'm happy I don't have one.

Manager Mom said...

I think that all politicians actually hate their entire families, but pretend to be loving fathers, husbands, and sons on TV.

Which one of those dirtbags HASN'T cheated on their wives? Except for Obama. I'm hoping that he does not wind up in the dirtbag column like all of the rest.

Jen W said...

I totally agree w/ Nash's Mom on this one.

Mama Dawg said...

Awww...but really, would it be a convention without the whole dog and pony show?

Aimee said...

OMG...did you see the dancing? It looked like a bunch of drunks at a wedding. I freaking loved it!
Barney Smith, you middle American dork...I think I love you!

Anonymous said...

It made me wish I was in Demver, too.

It made me sad that I live in Minneapolis. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS. *sigh*

Can I also say that while I'm not generally a big fan of the pantsuit, I am a HUGE FAN of the word "jackassity"?

for a different kind of girl said...

I've been a bit of a late bandwagon jumper on this whole process, but I'll admit that watching the coverage of this convention has given me the goosebumps a few times. Most readily when my former boss showed up on TV sporting a corn hat covered in glitter and buttons.

Samantha said...

"Also i would like to see the Wave done at least once" BRILLIANT... I would so get into politics if they could lighten up and do The Wave from time to time!