Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Losing Santa
Saturday, December 20, 2008
What Yankees Learn From Snow and Slush
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Six Things Before Six Days Before Christmas
1) My kids are on Christmas crack and what with the predicted snow storm, it's another half day tomorrow: awesome. It's not like I have anything to do.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Who You Calling Scaredy Cat?
When I say that I pretty much never lock my doors and sometimes leave at least one wide open (all night), I hope you will not consider this a Small Town cliche. To prove it, I'll add that I have lost all the keys to the house (except for the one to the basement door, which is more like a gateway to spiderwebbed hell) so even if I wanted too, I couldn't lock the doors. Unless I was inside all of them. Or wanted to get back inside through the gateway to hell.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Does My Butt Look Big In These Pajamas?
I am not a morning person.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Santa is a Woman on Fire
It is week one, t-minus one more, of 3v1 solo-time.
Santa is a bitch sometimes.
Especially when she's looking through her photos for a picture for the freakin' Christmas card
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The Way Karma Works, Or, Religion and A Girl
I was not raised with religion, except for the religion that we "didn't do" religion, the same way we also didn't say "I love you" the way some other families did. My father was a philosophical ex-catholic atheist and my mother was like her mother: she said we believed in Santa Claus.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Blues, Confession, And More Snowglobes
Yet another day of doing n.o.t.h.i.n.g. Puttered. Wandered. Ignored the home phone that was ringing. Moved a stuffed santa from one couch to the next. Couldn’t find his pants and thought, who cares? Helped with homework. Which sucked. I shouldn’t bother helping Bridget with anything because she will just scream -- “Why do you always want me to be perfect?” -- which is exactly what she did tonight while working on her letter to Barack Obama, as in “Hey Barack, get some smart people together and fix the war, k?” which made perfect sense to me but I guess it was my tone and suggesting that we not refer to the president elect by his first name.
I don’t have to cook a second dinner at least, since The Kid left today for LA. Won’t be back until next Friday. Which is wildly effed up, Christmas-y timing wise and all, but frankly I am sorta relishing the solo time (and the fact that he has a job). Still, “solo” is a relative word. Solo in my case is a three-versus-one kind of solo.
Maybe I need to shake up my imaginary snow globe and see another picture, a new pretty town all my own, a city on a hill, a whole new world of possibilities. Maybe I should shake it up and the scene will change with the snow and where it lands. The whole thing -- the boredom, the blues, all the blah blah blah -- maybe it exists in my fist. If the tiny world under glass is mine, right here in my grip? Then I should know that whatever it is I need or think I want, all I need to do is flip it over, shake shake and see what happens.
Oh, and happy shaking.
Monday, December 8, 2008
I Had Nothing to Do With This
These are the letters I found this morning, outside of the girls' rooms. This is not a bribe (CarolynOnline) I swear but seriously, if this doesn't tip the scales in my favor (for her Elf giveaway), then honestly, I don't know what will.
The back said "I LOVE CHRISTMAS!"Please note that she is offering not only a "comfortal" sleeping spot AND crackers and water (those elves are such gourmands!), but also the excitement of a play date with other elves.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Snowglobe 1
Friday, December 5, 2008
Small Town Ho-Hos (and a Hangover)
The Small Town is getting all Rockwellian. It's so scarily charming: the old houses lit up and sparkly from the inside out, the wreaths on every lamp post, and tomorrow Santa and the Mrs will come in on the Lobster Boat. If I had ear muffs and a muffler, I would don them. Maybe throw some white skates around my neck.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I speak of the card game, lest you were getting all gaggy thinking I might be contemplating saliva. (Which I could and maybe I will. But not today.) Today, I speak of the card game Spit and more importantly, the fact that the girls have been playing it nonstop since we returned home from our three-day endless drive multiple family multiple location Thanksgiving shenanigans.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Beginning an Imperfect Story About Music
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Not So Thankful and Yes, Thankful Too
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Back in the way back day, when we lived in the house on the water, my dad had a bullhorn. I think he got it as a present, but then again, I wouldn't be surprised if he actually picked it up himself at the local hardware store that also sold really nice and preppy tote bags. I miss that place.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Pinball Psychology
Tonight, my head is like a pin ball machine. (I actually just wrote "ping pong balls" which should give you a good idea of where I am: words.... nice... wait! Not those words... Wait! What?)
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wardrobe, Food, Family=Fun?
I had to buy yet another new wardrobe for Rory who is seven and as Giant as the Giant Four Year Old. Eleven inches in two years! Twenty one pounds! She has surpassed her nine year old sister and will probably soon be taller than me.
Bridget on the other hand needs to be weight-checked in two months.
I alternate between obsessing about the one who eats too little and the one who is constantly coming downstairs in some hackneyed punk rock I got dressed in the dark with my eyes closed outfit because -- whine with me please -- "nothing fits mooommmmmmm!". And nothing does fit. And so I hand the outgrowns to the older sister who needs to cinch 'em up.
And then I head to about sixty five different places because R will not wear just any clothes. They can not have a butterfly or a fairy or gasp! be pink. They can not be shiny or sparkly or (her words) "glowy." I aim for solids, because in her world, stripes go with plaids go with tie dye, and since I don't hassle anyone about clothing choices, it just makes the morning less stressful -- in a visual sense -- on us all. Whatever she wears will come home filthy and probably ripped, so cheap is at the top of the criteria list, too.
I can have do drive myself crazy about the other one who seems to be giving a new name to "picky eater." I know I shouldn't. Laying off is what all the books say to do, and frankly, after trying the bribing and the begging and the threats, not doing anything seems to make the dinner hour fifteen minutes happiest. Happier. (You can really get a hang up about your culinary skills when cooking for children.)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Swimming or Drowning
The GFYO missed his last two swimming lessons because, despite his tough ninja style, he would not go past the locker room. Would not budge. Cried. Would not.take.one.more.step.
R: Now you can swim in the pool in South Carolina. But I will watch you anyway because you will probably get tired and drown. Then I will scoop you up and pat your back. You might drown again so mom might have to come but the thing is YOU WILL SURVIVE because you can swim now. I have drowned like eighty times. Maybe a hundred. The thing is: don't go in the deep end.
R: And maybe wear your life jacket for, like, the first few days because I'll probably be busy and stuff and won't see you if you drown.
R: But anyway, good job.And you know what? She's right. Because it's a good day if you can swim and don't drown, kind of like it's a good day if you have your driver's license and don't kill some innocent bystander. Everything's relative: swimming or drowning included.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Weather Report
There are icicles on the weather dude's weekly chart. The entire word "Wednesday" is frozen over. This means only one thing: we are about to enter the Missing Mitten Zone.
Friday, November 14, 2008
All The People at This Party
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Getting All Politically
I feel like it's been a while since I've really railed and raged. Stand back, peeps, because I am pissed...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
All Lost in the Supermarket
I mentioned earlier today that I had forgotten the joys of grocery shopping with three small children. What with school for the older two full time, and play dates I am not obligated to attend pre-school for the GFYO a few mornings a week, I can pretty much manage the buying of food (no one will eat) all by my lonesome.
Monday, November 10, 2008
How Romantic is That
The weekend saw me crying one day at a funeral and the next day at an engagement party. I said to the Kid that I felt like I was an interloper at both. He said no one invites a voyeur.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
THIS is not about THAT
This is NOT about politics.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
What To Do While Waiting
1) Do not check polls on any number of web sites. This is much akin to diagnosing a cold with a google search. You will log out with the plague or colitis.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Life Sneaks Into Boring
I wrote five sentences and deleted them. I do that almost... never.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Scariest Thing Ever Would Be...
Well, I think you know where I stand on that, and with a scant short time to go, sorry dudes, but I gotta get this out there before the kids come home and the candy buzz kicks in and the soccer tournament on Sunday. Oh, and another costume party for which I have no costume (can one be the "financial bailout" twice? in a Small Town? I think not).
Monday, October 27, 2008
Pumpkin Carving In One Act
Set: plastic carving knives, spoons, bowls, newspaper, pumpkins, Short Drunk People, Ms. Picket. Ice coffee.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
So Much Trouble
Dude(s) (?): I used to make mixed tapes.
This is better.
Back in the old days Matt Pond PA was work. Now? Not so much.
Today was a crazy day. When I sat down to a screen that is more familiar than my own face, it was a lucky thing to see his email. It was a hallelujah for me to have a moment that was about nothing (and also everything) and to end up with this/his song.
Remembering what music is, I remind you: hit play, settle in, enjoy.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Giant Four Year Old did not approve of the alien costume I had just spent hours an hour sewing hot-glue-gunning and could not be convinced otherwise. Until R put it on and worked it yo which hit the GFYO where it hurt: he is a performer after all (seriously, go watch that) and so he would not be outshone. From there on out, it was a solid twenty minutes of karate chops with all FOUR of his arms. I was pleased and slightly annoyed simultaneously, which is also a good summation of most of my days.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Ruthie's Daughter
This was not what I figured I would write today; in fact, I was so tied up in the meeting I had and the meeting I missed and the fending off of one problem and another all day, I figured I wouldn't write at all.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Some More Truth
Remember when I told some truth? I'm doing it again.
My grandmother, who is dead now, who died two months before I got married, just before the seams came unstitched, just in time, her name was Ruthie and that's what we called her, not Grammy or Gramma or Nana or Tootoo, but Ruthie. We called her by her name.
Oh damn, she'd say. A false alarm.
Ruthie loved storms most of all. When one would whip up in the summer, she'd cover me and my cousins in plastic tarps and wrap us in rope onto a wicker couch that sat on her partially covered porch so we could feel the fury of a storm on the ocean. She was sober then, she was sober all my life, but when I got drunk for the first time, I wondered: could anyone be that passionate -- sober?
She could be. She was.
She tied us to a bench, on a porch, because it was awesome in the most literal sense and because we wanted her to. She untied us before the wind ripped off our faces.
She tied us to a wicker couch with rope so we would see how beautiful lightening can look on the ocean and how ferocious the wind can be when it forces boats into submission. I'd like to think she did it because she knew how foolish we would be the older we got, how over confident and stupidly secure we'd become: our legacy, our heritage, our genetic fucking code.