Monday, July 21, 2008

More Guests

So Nash's Mom found the keys under the flower pot that CarolynOnline left and is now flipping through the channels on my teevee and reading all my trashy magazines. She also has a weird ability to make me simultaneously laugh and cry, as the following clearly PAID for post also does.


I feel like Ms. Picket has just given me the ultimate blog opportunity by inviting me to guest post on her highly coveted blog (editor's note: now THAT is funny). When I asked her what on earth I should write about, one of the ideas she gave was to post on why I started blogging. Little does she know that one of the reasons I started was because I had been lurking on her blog for months when Post Picket first "launched" and she inspired me to give it try. I did it and have grown to love it and I have her to thank. It's my own little space in the world to vent or ramble and is like a little therapy session. So I've decided that this post will be a tribute to Ms. Picket while she enjoys some much deserved relaxy time.

When I first met Ms. Picket, we were both working in the glamorous rock and roll world that was the music biz. She was super cool and knew how to party like a rock star, with rock stars and pretty much be a rock star. Then she became one of the first of my friends to become a mom. Baby B became the hottest accessory and everyone soon wanted one. She made this whole parenting thing seem like a breeze (editor's note: thanks to the mind control tricks she had recently learned on Oprah.) So why not have two? Or even three! I had a little trouble getting knocked up and that saint Ms. Picket held my hand through countless negatives until I finally got my positive after enduring all sorts of fun fertility treatments (whee!) which she also held my hand through. I remember the exact moment I broke the news to her (at a yard sale at my house) and how thrilled she was for me. She already had two kids at this point and she jumped right into super support mom mode and set me up for what to expect. She took my husband and I to Babies R Us and explained why we needed to register for pages and pages of products we had never heard of and could not figure out how on earth we would ever use. She hosted my baby shower, she visited me and baby Nash in the hospital and she handed me down the best of the best toys from the girls (and I returned them back when GFYO was born - ha!).

She has been and will remain my expert mom-on-call (editor's note: poor Nash's Mom.) When baby Nash rolled off my bed as an infant (hitting the night table on his way to the floor), I didn't call 911, I called Ms. Picket. After sobbing out the details of the disaster, she asked me if he was conscious (yes) was bleeding (no) and assured me he was fine (he was). And this year when I wasn't sure if I had to do something for each and every one of Nash's teachers in kindergarten for "Teacher Appreciation Week", Ms. Picket assured me that just doing something nice for the one or two special ones that go the extra mile would keep me out of mommy jail. Phew.

During a visit shortly after GFYO was first mobile, I asked her how the hell she does it with the three. Her reply? "I always don't know where one of them is."

So there. She's funny, wicked smaht and one of the best moms on the planet (editor's note: the "planet" being very tiny and without any other parents.) But I don't have to tell you that. It just seemed like more fun to write that than a post about Sarah Jessica Parker having her mole removed. But I totally could have gone there......

8commentsBrilliant Person Wrote...

Kristin @ Going Country said...

I don't think I could afford to pay anyone enough to write that many nice things about me. What good friends you have, Ms. Picket.

Momo Fali said...

How come I have two and I ALWAYS know where they both are? Right underneath me. People who have three and make it look easy just blow my mind.

Great guest post!

Kevin McKeever said...

Where was P when I needed a hand to hold in Babies R Us? I still haven't recovered.

Carolyn...Online said...

Hi Nash's mom! We should totally bake Ms. Picket a pie for her return. Or TP her house....

Samantha said...

Nash's mom your so cool! Ms. Picket not only is wicked smaht and funny but has funny friends too!

Cheers!! Good crowd!!

Lisa said...

Hey Nash's mom! You rank right up there with the best moms...
I know, I was the recipient of one of those mommy jail for you! Ms. Picket sure knows how to pick her guest bloggers!


Manager Mom said...

Cool people attract cool people. Thus, if you find Miz. P cool, you are cool yourself. It's like a scientific principle or something.

Boy, all of this coolness is making me sound like a huge dork.

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